
Biotech Accelerator IndieBio Is Convincing Investors to Start Paying Attention to Biotech Startups

San Fransisco-based biotech accelerator IndieBio is determined to help biotech startups the way other accelerators have done for IT startups. The firm believes that biotech is a highly important sector to boost the quality of humanity and economy, and is convincing other investors to have the same vision.

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Rise of micro VC funding in India as investors focus on early-stage investment

The micro venture capital (VC) funding space in India is witnessing a robust activity. A rising new breed of venture capital investors is keen on early-stage investment in startups. About 12 micro venture capital funds are operational in India.

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Campbell Soup starts $125M Venture Capital Fund

Campbell Soup announced its latest venture of $125 million venture capital fund, to be independently managed by the startup Acre Ventures GP, LLC. The company is evidently sticking by its claim to boost the food industry by supporting the new startups and trends.

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Venture capital in China soars 25% in 2015

The venture capital (VC) inflows into Chinese economy grew 25 percent in 2015. The US and China ranked at first and second slots respectively in mobilizing the venture capital funds. The VC investors are choosier and cautious in selecting the startups amid economy slowdown.

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A Startup Promising Wedding Loan Shifted to a Crowdfunding Platfrom, Disappoint Couples

A startup offering up to $10,000 loan to help couples fund their wedding had shifted its business concept to a crowdfunding platform. The move infuriates many couples expecting the loan, whereas the startup said that the couple wouldn’t have to pay it back as long as they stay together. The change of business plan was due to overwhelming demand and regulation challenges, stated the company.

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Veolia Acquired Silicon Valley Startup Kurion for $350 Million

The deal was a huge move forward for both Veolia and Kurion. Veoila is determined to expand its business to nuclear waste management and believes that Kurion is the perfect partner to achieve that goal. Kurion itself is a successful startup focusing in nuclear waste involved in the Fukushima nuclear incident clean-up in 2011.

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New crowdfunding norms to push US start-ups

The newly-approved crowdfunding norms will enable start-ups to mobilize funds from mom-and-pop investors over the internet. The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has okayed the new rules on crowdfunding with a majority voting of three to one. The Business Startups (JOBS) act has been enacted with bipartisan support to facilitate new startups with more flexibility in the mobilization of funds. SEC also changed the audit provisions of the crowdfunding rules.

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Top Crowdfunding Sites For Entrepreneurs Looking to Make their Startups and Projects Come to Life

Donation-based and rewards-based crowdfunding are the most popular ways for entrepreneurs to bring their startups and projects to life. Entrepreneur reports that 2015 is considered as "the year of crowdfunding" with all the significant growth and rapid changes in the market. In 2012, a total of $16.2 billion was raised by companies and individuals all over the world.

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500 Startups Slowly Conquering the World with Six New Investment Partners

500 Startups makes the headlines these days closing new deals with new investments partners as it intensifies its intention to conquer the world.

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U.S. startups get OK for smartphone-based heart tracking

For a growing U.S. aging population, tracking heart health via a smartphone can mean the difference between life and death. This week, two Silicon Valley startups received a green-light from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for mobile applications

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Microsoft innovates Indian hotline for startups

Microsoft has innovated an Indian hotline for startups to give advice, available during business hours from Monday to Friday, reported Venture Beat.

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Startup founders has high regard for IPO stock market prices

Startup founders have been looking highly at IPO stock market prices as a guideline towards success, said TechCrunch.

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British e-commerce analytics firm Ometria raises $1.5M in seed funding

London, UK-based e-commerce analtyics firm Ometria raised $1.5 million in a seed funding round from large group of angel investors to expand its workforce and develop its product.

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TechStars London names 11 startups for 2014

Eleven startups coming from eight countries were chosen to become part of the TechStars London lineup for 2014 out of the 1,500 that applied, TechCrunch reported.

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Big firms pitch to startups in SwitchPitch Miami event

In the SwitchPitch event in Miami, it's not the startups that went to the stage to make the pitch to investors. Rather, it's the big firms that did the pitching, the Miami Herald reported.

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