Yale University

Ex-SEC Chief William Donaldson Dies Aged 93

Ex-SEC Chief William Donaldson Dies Aged 93

The Yale University School of Management announced the death of its founding dean, former Securities and Exchange Commission chairman Wiliam Donaldson, at the age of 93.

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Women Rules The Education Scenario In Many Countries: Does The Professional World Reflect The Same?

Today, women set their fight straight and groom themselves with the right education to face the competitive world. They create their own space in this aggressive professional industry but do they receive equal facilities as compared with men?

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Michigan mathematicians claims iPhone app Entrain helps prevent jetlag

Mathematicians from the University of Michigan claims the iOS app Entrain that they have built can help travelers prevent jetlag by teaching them how to synchronize their body lock with new time zones.

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Oregon Introduces its “Pay It Forward” Student Loan Program

Oregon introduced its “Pay It Forward” student loan program, a hybrid between the old college loan model and Peter Thiel's investment approach.

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