South Carolina

Accelerated Income Tax Reduction Sought by South Carolina Senate While House Examines Property Tax Rebate

Accelerated Income Tax Reduction Sought by South Carolina Senate While House Examines Property Tax Rebate

The South Carolina Senate began discussing a budget on Tuesday that accelerates a projected income tax reduction rather than the House's plan to use $500 million to provide homeowners a one-time property tax relief.

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Mercedes to launch a pickup truck outside the United States

German carmaker Mercedes-Benz plans to launch a mid-sized pickup truck, expanding its premium brand into a lower-priced bracket in a bid to narrow the sales gap with arch rival BMW (BMWG.DE).

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3D Systems acquires California 3D modeling firm Gentle Giant

South Carolina-based 3D printing solutions provider 3D Systems bought California-based 3D modeling firm Gentle Giant Studios for an undisclosed amount just a month after announcing its intention to acquire Xerox Corp's engineering group.

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Blackstone takes stake in US East Coast shopping center for $718M

New York, US-based multinational private equity firm Blackstone Group LP acquired a minority stake in Edens shopping center in a deal valued at $718 million.

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