
Scarlet Johansson Accuses OpenAI of Using Her Voice Without Permission; Actress Says She's Shocked, Angered When Heard ChatGPT's Immitation

Scarlett Johansson Accuses OpenAI of Using Her Voice Without Permission; Actress Says She's Shocked, Angered When Heard ChatGPT's Immitation

Scarlett Johansson has alleged that OpenAI used her voice for one of the voice assistants in ChatGPT without her consent, despite her explicit denial of permission.

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Fox Strikes $14.6 Billion Deal With Sky

After a failed attempt to buy Sky in 2010, Fox moved again to acquire 61% of the company through a $14.6 billion deal. The deal, however, faced opposition over concerns of potential over-concentration of power since Rupert Murdoch also owns stakes in other firms in the U.K.

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Theresa May Announce UK Research Investment Expected To Sky-Rocket By Autumn

UK Research Investment Expected To Sky-Rocket By Autumn: Theresa May Set To Announce

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Ofcom Pauses Split of Openreach From BT, Instructs To Ensure Universal Broadband right

Openreach provides broadband internet service to BT and other operators in the UK. Since BT remains as the controlling authority of Openreach, so dependence appears as a major hurdle in rendering equal customer services. Observing the anomalies, Ofcom, the UK telecom regulator has instructed BT ensure universal broadband for all.

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Oil & gas mega-merger keeps stocks fizzing

Global stocks remained upbeat on Wednesday as a $70 billion mega-deal in the European oil and gas sector stoked the merger and acquisition fever that has gripped investors this week.

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Rivals call for BT break-up in review of UK telecoms sector

Broadband providers Sky and TalkTalk have called on Britain's telecoms regulator to break up BT, the market leader whose network they rely on, in the biggest review of the sector for a decade.

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UK working to unblock harmless sites barred by Internet filter

The UK government is now listing down charities, educational, and other random websites wrongly blocked by Internet service providers when web filters designed to block porn came into full effect.

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BT to show all UEFA games, leaving Sky in the cold

New broadcasting firm BT acquired exclusive rights to broadcast UEFA football games.

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Microsoft loses "SkyDrive" brand

The tech titan was forced to rename its "SkyDrive" cloud service after losing a court battle in the United Kingdom.

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Murdoch to join Sky Deutschland's board as its shares fall

Sky Deutschland's supervisory board will be joined by James Murdoch, causing the shares of the company to fall.

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