open source

Switzerland Orders Government Software to Become Open Source

Switzerland Orders Government Software to Become Open Source

Switzerland became one of the world’s first countries to mandate making its government website softwares to become open source with the implementation of the Federal Law on the Use of Electronic Measures for the Fulfillment of Government Tasks.

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China-Based DeepSeek’s Open-Source Generative AI Tool Coder Poses Competition vs. OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Other AI Platforms

China-Based DeepSeek’s Open-Source Generative AI Tool Coder Poses Competition vs. OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Other AI Platforms

Chinese artificial intelligence (AI) startup DeepSeek announced the release of its open-source generative AI code language model, Coder V2.

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Linux Kernel 4.3 is Released After a Blurt Message from Creator

Linux, the once revolutionary operating system in the 1990's, has just released its latest kernel version. The release of its new 4.3 kernel was preceded by an angry message by its creator due to bad programming code.

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StackStorm streamlines workflow in data center to one person for thousands of servers

StackStorm, specialized in data center maintenance, allows one person to effectively manage thousands of servers opposed to hundreds.

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