
US House Panel Approves Bill That Could Ban TikTok; Users Flood Congress With Calls After App Sends Pop-up Messages

A controversial bill that could potentially block TikTok in the United States (US) was unanimously approved by a bipartisan panel of lawmakers.

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In Rare Bipartisan Vote, US House Approves $78 Billion Child, Business Tax Breaks Bill

In Rare Bipartisan Vote, US House Approves $78 Billion Child, Business Tax Breaks Bill

The House of Representatives has approved a $78 billion bipartisan package that will boost the child tax credit and enhance business tax breaks.

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US Congress Negotiators Strike Deal on 12 Government Spending Bills

US Congress Negotiators Strike Deal on 12 Government Spending Bills

Bipartisan negotiators in the US Congress have reached an agreement on spending levels in the 12 bills crucial in preventing a government shutdown.

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Stopgap Spending Bill to Avert Government Shutdown Passes Congress, Waits for Joe Biden's Signature

Stopgap Spending Bill to Avert Government Shutdown Passes Congress, Waits for Joe Biden's Signature

To avert a looming partial government shutdown, Congress passed a short-term spending bill on Thursday.

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New Colorado Tax Credit Aims to Slash Child Poverty, Leveraging TABOR Surplus

Congress Unveils Bipartisan Deal to Enhance Child Tax Credit, Revive Tax Breaks for Businesses

The chairmen of Congress' top tax policy committees announced on Tuesday a bipartisan initiative to enhance the child tax credit and reintroduce various tax breaks for businesses.

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Moody's Downgrades US Credit Rating Outlook to 'Negative,' Biden Officials Put the Blame on GOP

Moody's Downgrades US Credit Rating Outlook to 'Negative,' Biden Officials Put the Blame on GOP

Moody's, a leading global integrated risk assessment firm, changed the United States' credit rating outlook to "negative" after markets closed on Friday.

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U.S. Congress Delayed Work on Puerto Rico Debt Relief Bill, Blaming Obama Administration

The U.S. Congress has delayed work on Puerto Rico debt bill. Originally, the bill was scheduled to be the subject of hearing on Wednesday before receiving final amendments on Thursday. After that, it will be sent for debate on the House.

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U.S. Government Reported a $193 Billion Budget Deficit in February

Treasure Department published monthly budget report on Thursday. This year a 0.1% increase is reported from last year. This full-year's deficit is forecasted to be much higher than 2015.

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Stamp prices expected to fall on April 10

The US Postal Service will cut the price of postage, the first time in nearly hundred years. While, the cost of all commodities are rising, the drop in stamp prices surprises consumers. The cost decrease is anticipated to come live on April 10, 2016.

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Puerto Rico in troubled waters, stalls debt payments to provide essential services

Puerto Rico has run into deep economic crisis, with its fiscal agent, the Government Development Bank, running out of reserves to cover even essential services. The government is tilting towards holding on to its debt repayments to sustain the island as a going concern, but their plea to creditors and the Congress to bail them out of the crisis is met with resistance on both fronts.

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Standard & Poor cuts Brazil's loan rating, citing political turmoil

Standard & Poor has trimmed Brazil's loan rating into "junk territory' following the nation's failure to reduce its fiscal risks and the political hurdles facing the economy of Brazil. The government is hopeful to reform its fiscal strategy amid political challenges and economic slowdown.

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Sanders to Hold Fundraiser as Campaign Received Donation of $5.2 Million

Bernie Sanders has cashed in on his small-dollar contributors and raised almost $5.1 million in a sudden, instant fundraiser on his victory night. Without a super-PAC to cushion his campaigns, he has always managed to keep pace with competition like Hilary Clinton, who's dependent on high-dollar contribution to fill her kitty. Sanders already knows exactly what he wants to do with the influx of cash.

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Paul Singer contributes $2.5 million to super Pac

Huge hedge funder Paul Singer donated 2.5 million US dollar, while his friend Cliff Asness, an investment magnate, sponsored 1 million US dollar to super PAC.

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Obama’s Final ‘Meet The YouTube’ Airs on Friday

Unlike six other times, Barack Obama will face an interview for the last time as an incumbent President in YouTube on Friday. This time he will answer the selected questions of a trio, who combined remains ahead of the President himself by a huge margin in terms of subscriptions. During his entire 10 years in the office, he has used technology to publicize behind- the- scene photographs as token of his goodwill gesture.

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People with unpaid IRS debt can have their Passports cancelled

A bill that prohibits people with unpaid IRS loans from travelling is expected to become law very soon. The Federal government has been going after travelling people who are reporting their taxes incorrectly for a very long time, but now, they plan to apprehend those with unpaid IRS loans.

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