WHO Issues Global Alert on Fake Novo Nordisk’s Ozempic Medications

WHO issues worldwide notice on fake Ozempic diabetic medicine, concerned it may harm people's health.

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Tobacco Companies Employing a Myriad of Tactics to Attract Young People to Use Vapes, WHO Says

Tobacco Companies Employing a Myriad of Tactics to Attract Young People to Use Vapes, WHO Says

The World Health Organization (WHO) has accused tobacco companies of employing a myriad of tactics to attract young people to use vapes.

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Africa Sees Rise In Lifestyle Illnesses

The is a rise in the number of Africans suffering from lifestyle illnesses, one of which is cancer. Unhealthy habits contribute to the development of the disease. Poor hospital services also add to the trouble of patients.

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WHO Prequalifies Rapid Diagnostic Test For Hepatitis C Virus

The World Health Organization has prequalified a tool for the quick diagnosis of hepatitis C. Since treatment for hepatitis C has become affordable and available in low and middle-income countries, the organization believes that the prequalification of an effective diagnostic tool will improve the number of patients cured.

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Agricultural Investment Is Still Alive At $25B Record Rise

Agriculture Is now a Right investment With $25B Profit Record.

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Oxitec’s Gene Modified Mosquitoes Appear As Lone Mean To Fight Against Spread of Zika Virus

WHO on Thursday has warned for probable spread of Zika virus across the North and Central American countries. Ahead of rising concerns for Zika spreading, drug makers and scientists have commented that manufacturing of an appropriate vaccine may even require a decade. These warnings has opened a huge business potential for Oxitec, an Intrexon subsidiary. Oxitec’s gene modified mosquitoes are capable of ensuring security against Zika for large populations.

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Ebola Vaccine Will Now Be Available As Gavi Signed $5 Million Deal To Prevent Future Outbreaks, Commits Merck To Keep 300,000 Vaccines Ready

Gavi, a world vaccine alliance, has made a $5 million deal with Merck regarding vaccine supply for future outbreaks. Merck has to provide 300,000 vaccines as a preparation to protect people from the next Ebola crisis.

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China air pollution lessened by 10% last year, says Greenpeace

Amidst intense smog, China still came out with a 10% decrease in air pollution in 2015. The numbers indicate a direct fall in the consumption of coal. However, despite the small improvement, the situation is still pretty grim as the country, which is home to a host of coal power plants, has now taken the top spot for emitting greenhouse gases. The 'red-alert' situation this winter should be a wake-up call for the government to now take drastic measures to curb the sources of air pollutants.

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Food Safety: How to avoid food poisoning while traveling

Food poisoning is always a possibility that cannot be ignored during international trips. However, with the right planning of the trip and a few advices from other travelers, tourists should be able to enjoy their next trip abroad without worrying that they'll end up being ill after eating bad food.

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IMF grants $100 million debt relief to Ebola-hit countries

The International Monetary Fund has granted Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone debt relief of about $100 million in total, the first time a global institution has provided such relief to the three West African nations hardest hit by the Ebola outbreak.

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Gates foundation sees huge gains against disease, poverty by 2030

Worldwide child deaths will be halved over the next 15 years, polio, guinea worm and river blindness will be eradicated, and there will be a single-dose cure for malaria.

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Drugmakers may need indemnity for fast-tracked Ebola vaccines

Drugmakers are looking for some kind of indemnity from governments or multilateral agencies against possible losses or claims arising from the widespread emergency use of new Ebola vaccines in Africa.

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Nestle keeps W. Africa plants open, ready to act if Ebola spreads: CEO

Nestle has no plans to close any of its eight factories or curb output in cocoa and coffee-rich West and Central Africa because of Ebola, but is ready to adapt if it spreads, the Chief Executive of the world's largest food company said on Wednesday.

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