
Lufthansa to selloff a part of its IT division

German airline company Lufthansa has been looking at interested parties to acquire a part of its IT business, according to a report from Reuters.

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Ryanair won't take part in Alitalia cash call

Ireland's Ryanair on Tuesday announced that it won't participate in Italian airline Alitalia's EUR300 million emergency cash call. Other carriers including Lufthansa, Etihad Airways, Aeroflot and Alitalia shareholder Air France-KLM have also turned down the deal.

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Lufthansa is open to partnerships with Gulf carriers- CEO

Lufthansa Chief Executive Officer Christoph Franz said the European airline had left its door open for the possibility of forging a future alliance with Gulf airline companies.

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Lufthansa to modify pension plan for employees by year's end

Lufthansa had decided to scrap the current pension plan to a plan that is tied to investment returns of the fund.

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