

The UK's Roads, Hospitals, and Schools Strain as More People Migrate in the Country

Amid immigration's impact in the UK, experts stress the need for infrastructure investments to ease pressures on housing, healthcare, and education systems.

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Canada’s Agricultural Sector In Crisis Due To Labor Shortage

Shortage in low-skilled farm workers threatens to double in 2025, worsening the already challenged agricultural sector. The growing labor gap in the sector was brought about by different factors that include globalization, physicality of work and aging work force, and the existing immigration policy.

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New visa requirements for European with dual nationalities to be introduced soon

The new regulation is being established initiated by the San Bernardino shooting in California that killed 14 people and left 22 wounded. It has drawn many concern and dismay among European citizens, especially those with the dual nationalities as mentioned. Europe could also reciprocate, restricting American with the same duality to enter Europe.

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Pope urges US to act on climate change now

Wading into one of the most polarizing issues in American politics, Pope Francis has called upon the United States to join other nations in fighting climate change. He stressed the time to act is now. "Climate change is a problem which can no longer be left to a future generation. When it comes to the care of our common home, we are living at a critical moment of history," the pope said in a speech Wednesday on the South Lawn of the White House.

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US economy is growing amidst looming global financial crisis

With current economic uncertainty, investors and citizens are asking whether the country will get affected by the looming global financial distress. Latest report by Business Insider shows that despites the turbulence, US economy has grown by 3.7 percent in the second quarter of 2015, and the unemployment rate fell to 5.3 percent this year compared to 6.2 percent last year.

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How an off-the-cuff remark shaped Jeb Bush's economic vision for U.S.

There were no fancy economic models or forecasts when former Florida Governor Jeb Bush first tossed out the idea that 4 percent annual growth should be the overarching goal for the U.S. economy.

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Business group ranks U.S. near last in welcoming skilled immigrants

The United States ranks near the bottom among major economies in terms of policies to allow hiring highly skilled immigrant workers, according to a study by a business lobbying group that supports relaxing immigration controls.

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UK firms expect to offer a bit more pay in 2015: CBI

British companies plan to cautiously relax their grip on pay in 2015, but rises will be limited by higher costs for holiday pay and workplace pensions, as well as weak productivity growth, the Confederation of British Industry said on Monday.

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Obama sketches 2015 agenda of taxes, trade; meets McConnell

President Barack Obama on Wednesday laid out a business-friendly legislative agenda for next year that hinges on whether he and the new Republican Congress can set aside long-simmering disputes and find common ground.

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