gas natural

Australian windfarms face $13 bln wipeout from political impasse

Australia faces a A$17 billion ($13.3 billion) exodus of investment from its windfarm industry because of a political deadlock, threatening to deal the country a major economic blow and kill hopes of meeting a self-imposed clean energy target.

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Repsol willing to spend USD 10 billion for asset acquisitions

Repsol Chairman told Bloomberg in an interview that the oil producer is willing to acquire assets in US, Canada and Northern Europe. The company is willing to spend up to USD 10 billion for the acquisitions.

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Repsol waiting for Shell talks to unfold before selling Gas Natural stake

Repsol is considering to sell its 30% stake in Gas Natural Formosa worth Eur 4.5 billion but holds it off until deal with Shell is finalized.

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