
Californian Fast-Food Employees May Earn $20/Hour Wage but Franchisees Cut Work Hours

Californian Fast-Food Employees May Earn $20/Hour, But Franchisees Cut Work Hours

California franchisees are cutting employee hours and raising prices in response to a new law raising the minimum wage for fast food workers to $20 per hour, while workers see mixed impacts.

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RE/MAX LLC OKs 3 Independent Regions Purchase

RE/MAX, LLC has signed an agreement to purchase franchise of Georgia, Kentucky/Tennessee and Southern Ohio Regions. The acquisition is expeced to close before the end of the year.

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Top 5 reasons why ‘The Wolverine’ would get the best debut this summer

"The Wolverine" could still be "the best debut this summer."

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‘The Wolverine’ is right on track, just US$2 million below estimates

The latest X-Men spinoff, "The Wolverine", was right on track with just US$2 million below estimates.

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