Anonymous hackers breached US government websites - FBI

US investigators assigned to the hacking incidents done by Anonymous have yet to determine the scope of the cyber campaign of the hacker collective on the state's government agencies.

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Silk Road 2.0 opens on TOR network

Former Silk Road administrators confirmed that the Silk Road marketplace on silkroad6ownowfk.onion was the real deal.

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Bitcoin value sinks after FBI busts Silk Road

According to a Reuters report, the value of bitcoins had decreased following the arrest of Silk Road, an underground website allegedly selling illegal products and services.

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FBI seizes Silk Road, arrests Ross William Ulbricht

The Federal Bureau of Investigation shut down the illegal operations of Silk Road, an online black market for illegal goods and services.

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FBI shuts down alleged Bitcoin marketplace

The Federal Bureau of Investigation had shutdown Silk Road, an alleged online bitcoin marketplace used to perform illegal activities, said a Reuters report.

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SAC investigation leads to the arrest of Sandeep Aggarwal

SAC probe led the arrest of Sandeep Aggarwal yesterday, after having been charged to illegally provide tips to former hedge fund manager, Richard Lee.

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Samsung-FBI deal coming soon

A Samsung-FBI deal was coming to an emminent close, said sources.

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Swiss to Aid in Inside Dealer Investigation

Insider trading on Heinz shares prior to sale investigated by SEC and FBI.

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