
JPMorgan Chase Aims to Attract 15% of US Consumer Deposits, Expand Credit Card Share

JPMorgan Chase Aims to Attract 15% of US Consumer Deposits, Expand Credit Card Share

JPMorgan Chase is reportedly striving to amass 15% of US consumer deposits and expand its credit card share.

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Banking tricks blunt China's drive to increase lending

China hopes that last week's interest rate cut will increase lending into the economy to shore up flagging growth, but measuring any rise will be impeded by a number of tricks the country's bankers use to manipulate the figures.

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Fed awards $219 billion of term deposits

The Federal Reserve awarded $219.114 billion of seven-day term deposits to banks, a record amount, at a test auction held on Monday, it said in a statement on Tuesday.

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Israel Chemicals agrees to move Dead Sea salt for US$1 Billion

Israel Chemicals would move 20 million tons of Dead Sea Salt for US$1 billion to ease worries from spa and hotel industry.

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