
SpaceX Reveals Cause of Recent Falcon 9 Flight Failure, Looks to Return to Flight by July 27

SpaceX said that it identified and fixed the problem that caused a failure in its Falcon 9 rocket in a launch earlier this month after announcing it has filed a mishap report to the FAA.

Australia’s Live Music Industry Investigated by Government Inquiry

The Australian Parliament’s Standing Committee on Communications and the Arts heard evidence from a number of live music industry stakeholders, including Arts Queensland and QMusic...

Nokia Phonemaker HMD Launches Project to Make Devices Child-Friendly

HMD, the Finnish phonemaker more known for the redevelopment of the Nokia mobile phone series, announced the launch of its Better Phone project, with an aim to make mobile devices safer and friendlier..

Elon Musk Says Tesla’s Robotaxi Service to Launch on Oct. 10

Tesla CEO Elon Musk said that the company would be delaying the launch of its long-awaited robotaxi service on Oct. 10, around two months after the planned date...

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Rate of Uninsured Americans to Rise to Nearly 9% in the Next Decade, Congressional Budget Office Report Shows
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Gen X Retirement Confidence Dips Compared to Boomers, Millennials, Study Reveals
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Japan to Launch Lunar Library on Moon to Preserve World's Languages
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