How Emery Holmes Overcame The Obstacles In His Journey

By Patrick Jones

May 18, 2021 03:34 AM EDT

How Emery Holmes Overcame The Obstacles In His Journey(Emery Holmes ) (Credit: Getty Image)

Regardless of the venture a person chooses to pursue, they will still face challenges along the way. As one would expect, that was the case for Emery Holmes as well. He is respected by many for scaling his business to 7-figures and for wisely and effectively mentoring aspiring entrepreneurs. However, before he made a name for himself, he first had to overcome many hurdles.

Not many know that Emery Holmes was a college dropout. While his college friends were already making money in their careers, he was still figuring out how to succeed in his venture. His mental well-being wasn't at its highest during his struggles, but he persisted instead of despairing and never gave up. His experience is proof that struggles come and go, so one should not let their problems get the best of them.

Challenges Emery Holmes Conquered in His Journey

Emery Holmes was able to build his reputation from scratch because he was determined to do so. No matter what difficulties he encountered, he took the time to ponder the best course of action and worked towards his plan. He had to endure a lot and sacrifice many things, but the reward at the end of it all was worth it. Here are the hurdles that he had to face and how he overcame them.

Giving up his relaxed and stress-free life

Before Emery Holmes made up his mind to seriously pursue his entrepreneurial venture, he lived a lax and unrestrained lifestyle. He smoked, drank, and went out to parties on weekends. Such activities are indeed fun, but he knew that they were holding him back from dedicating his time to reaching his goals. So, he stopped them completely.

The entrepreneur industry is a demanding field, and to make it big one must devote their time, effort, and energy. Building his reputation as a distinguished entrepreneur was stressful, and he had to sacrifice some of his leisure time. Despite knowing this, Emery Holmes still pushed through and worked tirelessly towards his goal.

Differences in the time zone

Another challenge that Emery Holmes had to face was the sudden change in the time zone that he was used to. He had to move to California to pursue his dreams, but his body clock set him three hours behind his fellow entrepreneurs. That meant that he had to become accustomed to waking up three hours earlier than usual. According to him, that habit benefitted him greatly in the long run.

Judgments of other people

One of the struggles that entrepreneurs face, especially when they are just starting to make a name for themselves, is the lack of understanding and support. There will be people in their circle of friends or even their relatives who will advise them not to continue their endeavor. While that's regrettable, the best way to change their judgment is by succeeding or proving them wrong.

As Emery Holmes always says to aspiring entrepreneurs, they must remain consistent with their efforts despite what people say. If they let others' negative judgments influence them, then they won't be confident with what they can do. Their time will surely come, but until then, they must trust themselves and their efforts.

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