Cady named CareCloud's new veep

By IVCPOST Staff Reporter

Jun 17, 2013 10:53 AM EDT

This is a representation of cloud technology. (Photo : Reuters)

Boston-based, cloud-based solutions provider CareCloud named Tom Cady as its new vice president of professional services. The title entailed the work of managing CareCloud's cliend training and implementation team. The company is funded by Intel Capita and Norwest Venture Partners.

Cady has over 30 years of executive management experience in the field of professional and consulting, sales and client services in the field of healthcare. The position gave Gady admission to the senior leadership team of CareCloud, led by Albert Santalo, the company's Chariman and Chief Executive Officer. The team will have its headquarters in Boston, Massachusetts.

"Tom is quite simply the very best professional services executive in the healthcare IT industry and I could not be more thrilled to have him join CareCloud as we continue to scale our national cloud-based platform and streamline the way medical groups leverage our applications and services," Santalo said.

"Given the challenges facing the industry, it's clear that cloud-based technologies are the logical option for helping medical practices optimize their financial and clinical operations," said CareCloud's new veep Cady.

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