Trafigura to Buy Zinc from Nyrstar

By Edward B. Doong

Mar 05, 2013 07:22 AM EST

Oil trader Trafigura invested up to $130 million for a 24 percent stake in Nagarjuna Oil Corp Ltd's (NOCL) planned refinery in Tamil Nadu as it made its first move into refining in Asia. (Photo : Reuters)

Commodities trader Trafigura revealed it has interest in bidding to purchase zinc from world's leading producer Nyrstar that could worth about $700 million per year.

A representative of the commodities firm told Reuters in an email that they are interested to make bid for the zinc contract of Nyrstar.

Trafigura has been considered as the largest contender amount banks and trading houses by market players for the deal that has the power to boost a leading trading house's stance into the big competition.

One of the biggest agricultural traders in the world, Louise Dreyfus Commodities said in a statement last month that it may also pursue the contract.

Meanwhile, Glencore, which had a deal to acquire the European zinc of Nyrstar reaching 350,000 tonnes a year, has had to dispose it to get approval from the European Union for its acquisition of Xstrata.

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