5 Things Every Parent Should Know About Cyber Safety for Children

By David Thompson

Feb 25, 2022 01:32 PM EST

(Photo : Ron Lach from Pexels)

Bad things can happen to your family no matter what you do. But in a world where lots of these negative events and interactions occur virtually, you have more control to prevent these negative things from happening than you think. 

Educating your kids on the importance of cyber safety is key in this day and age where phones, tablets, and other devices are one of your child's most valued possessions. No matter if your child is just getting their first phone or their fifth, it's important to have an open discussion with your kids about how to safely navigate the online world.

But before you can educate your kids, you must first educate yourself. Read on to learn the 5 things every parent should know about cyber safety for children.

5 Things Every Parent Should Know About Cyber Safety

Whether you're new to parenting kids who have devices or are just looking for some tips on how to stay safe online, then follow these 5 tips for cyber safety for children.

1. Privacy and More Privacy

For starters, never let yourself or your child leave a phone or other device out in the open. Whether the device is locked or unlocked, there is not only an increased risk for theft, but for hackers to access personal information on the device. This goes for both kids and adults who both may have information like home addresses, schedules, and credit cards saved on the device. Bottom line, never leave your device unattended.

Another important things you can do to protect your accounts is to never share your password with anyone. While this should be a given, it may not be obvious all the time. If you're guilty of making your password your child's birthday, middle name, or anything else you may unknowingly post in a Facebook caption, then it's time to come up with a more secure password

If kids have the freedom to make their own accounts, make sure you help them pick a hack-free password that'll stay private.

2. Be Careful What You Post

As a parent, you should be mindful of what you post about your children online. Your Facebook, Instagram, and other social media accounts aren't as secure as you think-especially if you have a public account. 

First day of school pictures, and sharing too much personal information about your child can be potentially dangerous. Before you post, try to look at your picture and caption from a different perspective. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What personal information am I sharing that I don't want a complete stranger to know?

  • Can someone look at this and pinpoint my child's exact location right now?

The same goes for your children's social media accounts. Educate them on the importance of keeping their personal information private.

3. Click with Caution

Whether it's a spam email or a strange advertisement on a web page, there are several opportunities for you and your children to fall victim to phishing. Teach your kids the importance of only clicking approved links and staying away from misleading ones.

4. Be Involved in Your Kid's Online Life

No matter the age of your child, you'll want to make sure that you are properly monitoring their online presence. While the degree to which you monitor may vary depending on your child's age, kids of all ages still need guidance

Monitoring may mean looking at websites your child visits, or even their social media activity. The guidelines you set are entirely up to you, but it's important to always be transparent with your child about online safety when setting these guidelines.

5. Understand the Impact

Whether it's a social media post, comment, or other element uploaded to the internet, it's important to educate yourself and your children on how permanent online actions are.

The internet is forever, even if you delete what you post. Talk with your kids about the long term consequences a post or even a few words can have. While it may not seem too important to them now, they'll appreciate the talk in the future.

Looking for a Way to Help Your Kids with Cyber Safety?

Family Orbit provides parents with the assistance they need to make sure their children stay safe while on the web and on the go. With text, phone, website, and other monitoring features, the Family Orbit app is available on iOS and Android. Put your mind at ease and download yours today! 

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