Payroll Software Is A Blessing In Disguise For HRs: Here's How

By Staff Reporter

Dec 28, 2020 10:45 AM EST

(Photo : Pixabay)

HRs are responsible for a lot many operations rather than just hiring the talent. 

Many believe that anyone can easily hire new employees. They don't realize how much effort and time it takes to scout for the right talent out of the pool of candidates. The job simply does not end there. 

HRs are then required to make sure that these employees are onboarded seamlessly. The better the experience these employees have, the easier it will be to retain them in the organization. Retention of employees is another vital aspect as finding new employees is expensive. It is an additional expense that no organization likes to bear again and again. 

Then there are payrolls, training sessions, seamless communication, and other tasks that HRs are expected to take care of. Thus, being an HR is not easy. It is perhaps one of those jobs that come with dynamic key roles. 

Since there are plenty of jobs to be taken care of, any tool that can help automate tasks for employees will be useful. There is now payroll software to take care of the most crucial and tedious tasks of employees. The best payroll software out there is perhaps Gusto that comes with plenty of features and offerings. 

Here's why every HR should consider investing in this tool: 

  • Tracks time 

One of the major advantages of investing in a time tracker is that it makes it possible for you to accurately and easily track both time and attendance. 

When it comes to payroll, it is crucial to have an accurate report of how much time your employee is spending in the office, how many leaves have they taken, how much overtime they are doing, and more. 

It is also a great feature for those organizations that pay an hourly wage to employees. 

  • Easy payroll management 

Quite an obvious benefit, given the name of the tool, but managing payroll with the help of technology can only be fruitful for employees. 

This is a tool that enables employees to automate the calculation of wages. All they need to do is pre-set schedule and they are good to go. 

HRs will be required to set these schedules up manually but every process that comes after that will be done automatically. Only a little effort will be required from the side of the HRs in the form of customizations. 

  • Financial management 

With payroll software comes additional management of the organization's finances. This tool is not only useful to ensure that employees are paid accurately and timely. 

From managing expenses to calculating benefits and bonuses, your additional financial operations can also be taken care of by this one tool. HRs can easily track the costs of various employees with payroll software. 

This tool is also helpful to offer mileage reimbursement and other benefits like birthday offs. Basically, this tool allows employees to take control of their benefits. It is obviously going to be a hit. 

  • Helps to increase revenue 

Tracking payrolls manually is a tiresome task. In no time this process can turn into massive and large files of spreadsheets with several factors that are needed to be tracked. These factors could include overtime, work hours of employees, a rate that each employee needs to be paid, sick leaves, and more. 

The chances of error are plenty when HRs work on such spreadsheets. Moreover, a single typo or a single missed entry can certainly wreak havoc on the finances of the organization. 

With the right payroll software, you know that you are paying accurately to your employees, keeping the current law, and you can also track all the financial information. Thus, it helps you maintain your revenue easily. 

  • Keeps employees happy 

One of the major roles that payroll software plays is that of keeping the employees happy. 

The most obvious job is managing payrolls for employees. This not only means calculating the right amount that employees deserve. It also means that employees are paid when they were promised to be paid. 

It is critical to offer the right pay at the right time to employees. For a majority, this payroll acts as a motivational factor. 

When employees are paid accurately and on time, they are more likely to retain. 


A payroll software certainly does its best to make sure that HRs do not have to worry about payrolls and salaries of employees. This lifts a burden from the HRs shoulder and allows them to put their focus on other important tasks such as hiring the right talent. 

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