How to Take Your Business to New Heights

By Ernest Hamilton

Oct 09, 2020 11:17 AM EDT

(Photo : How to Take Your Business to New Heights)

Are you looking to take your business to new heights? Business leaders and investors will always want to find ways to help take their company forward so that they can make more money, dominate the industry and grow the business, but this can be challenging, especially if your business is relatively new and/or you are in an established industry with household name brands. So, what are the best ways to take your business to new heights? There are several highly effective strategies to try and combining a few of these could have a big impact on your business's success.

Competitor Analysis

One of the most important steps to take is to keep a close eye on your competitors, including both the businesses around you and the industry leaders. There will be a huge amount to learn by analyzing your competitors, and it will provide you with key information that you can use to your advantage, including any gaps in the market that you might both be missing.

Create Customer Profiles

In addition to having a clearer understanding of who your competitors are and their strengths and weaknesses, you should also spend some time researching your target customer. With this information, you should then create customer profiles and keep these customers in mind when making any kind of strategic decision.

Survey Existing Customers

Following this, another intelligent way to learn how you can improve and build relationships with your existing customer base is to ask them for feedback in the form of surveys. This will help you to identify areas of the business where you are excelling and where you could improve, and this will take the risk out of changes because you know that it is what your target customer wants.

Obtain Customer Reviews

Similarly, it is an intelligent idea to ask every customer that you have for a review. People will always look to reviews when deciding whether or not to use a business, and those that have many reviews will always be chosen over those that do not, even if there are a few negative reviews. This is because it builds trust; it helps people know what to expect and shows that you are not trying to hide anything. 

Ask for Feedback from Employees

It is not just your customers that you should be seeking feedback from, as there is a huge amount that you can learn from asking for feedback from your employees. The employees are often more aware of issues in the daily operation than management, so you should ask what the current issues are, how they could be overcome, and what other ideas they have to improve the business. In addition to helping you see from different points of view; this is also helpful for helping staff feel valued and avoid division between management and the workforce.

Know How to Motivate Employees

Leading on from this point, you also need to know how to motivate your workforce, and this is an area that many business leaders struggle with. You cannot succeed if you do not have happy, loyal and motivated employees, but this will require ongoing work. Fortunately, there are lots of good ways to keep employees motivated and to create a working environment that everyone can benefit from. This will include:

  • Genuine positive feedback

  • A welcoming, open-plan office space

  • Ability to converse openly (but not at the expense of work)

  • Social events

  • Goals and incentives

  • Career development opportunities, such as an online MBA

  • Role variation

  • Perks and competitive salary

Revamp the Company Website

You do not have long to make an impact and persuade a visitor to stay on your website, which makes the website incredibly important to your success. On top of this, web design trends change very quickly, so even a website designed just a few years ago could now look dated. This is why you need to revamp the company website and make tweaks from time to time to ensure that it is modern, functional, and will be of use to your target customer. Additionally, you may want to add a chatbot or live chat feature, which will help you to improve your customer service standards.

Increase in Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is vital in today's internet-driven age, and there is always more that you could be doing to create a stronger presence online. Increasing digital marketing and using an experienced agency will help you increase brand awareness, improve your company's reputation, increase traffic to the company website, and help you compete at a higher level, amongst many other benefits. 

Use A Social Media Manager

Leading on from this, social media is a hugely important platform, and the businesses that succeed and have the strongest relationships with their target customers are the ones that know how to use social media effectively. A social media manager can act as a digital spokesperson for your brand and ensures that you are always portraying your brand positively online, attracting more people to your business and improving customer service by responding swiftly to comments, questions and messages - this could give you a competitive edge and increase conversions.

Be of Value by Providing High-Quality Content

Today's brands do much more than just provide a product/service to consumers as they must also be of value and show their expertise with high-quality content. When you create high-quality content that is geared towards your target customer, it allows you to show your expertise, increase your value to the consumer, promote your business and show why they should choose you over the competition. The key is to keep your target customer in mind when deciding topics and use various media to keep the content fresh and engaging. A few ideas include:

  • How-to guides

  • Instructional videos

  • Slideshows

  • Listicle

  • FAQ's and Q&A session

  • Interviews with industry figures

  • Infographics

  • Explainer videos

Earn an Online MBA

If you want to be a great business leader and make intelligent business decisions, then an online MBA is the way to go. An online MBA is a brilliant qualification for any business owner, investor, or manager who wants to excel in the modern business world and help you see the big picture, identify how to take your company forwards, and lead by example. An online MBA is a particularly good idea because this can make it much easier to fit into your schedule so that you can juggle your work and online MBA, and you can even complete the online MBA degree in just one year. In addition to equipping you with the knowledge to excel in management, an online MBA will also give you a great deal of confidence, which is important to success in the business world.

Embrace New Technologies

An online MBA will teach you that there have been some astonishing technological developments made in recent times, and the industry-leading businesses will be the ones that utilize these technologies and stay ahead of the curve. There are many types of technology and ways that they can be implemented, but it will depend on your particular industry, so it is worth doing some research and staying current when it comes to tech in your field. A few types of technology that can be useful in any industry include:

  • Cloud computing

  • Automation

  • Artificial intelligence

  • Internet of Things

  • Virtual & augmented reality

Use Data Analytics

Following this, in today's day and age, you should also be using data to drive your decision making in the business world. Collecting, analyzing, and interpreting large sets of data with data analytic tools can help businesses uncover patterns and trends that might have been hard to pick out otherwise. You can then use this information to take the risk out of strategic decisions and improve your company's different aspects. 

Form A Strategic Alliance

Strategic alliances are an excellent way to grow your business, reach new customers, and improve your brand reputation. Finding complementary businesses that are not direct competitors and then finding ways to help one another, such as discounts for customers of the other company, can help you both grow and help you create a stronger presence in the local community.

Get Involved with The Community 

Following this point, many businesses focus too much on their online presence and forget about the value of having a strong presence in the local community. You can create much stronger relationships here as well as improve the reputation of your brand greatly. A few of the best ways to get involved with the local community include:

  • Hosting events

  • Attending community events

  • Visiting schools and offering work experience opportunities

  • Getting involved with a local charity

  • Sponsoring a local sports team

  • Attend local meetings

  • Give tours of the business

  • Teach classes

Build Cash Reserves

Much like smart personal finance management involves setting money aside as savings, a business needs to build cash reserves to manage any difficult periods. Nothing will shut a business down faster than a lack of cash, so setting money aside in a cash reserve is intelligent and could help you survive any challenging periods (the pandemic is a good example of the value of cash reserves). If you struggle to set money aside each month, look for a few ways to reduce your outgoings without negatively impacting the operation. A few ideas for this include:

  • Remote work

  • Switching energy provider

  • Energy-efficient appliances

  • Renegotiating with suppliers/finding new suppliers

  • Using open-source software

  • Buying second-hand equipment/furniture

Maximize Customer Lifetime Value

One metric that every business should focus on is customer lifetime value (CLV) - the amount that a customer spends on your business over your relationship. You will want to maximize this as retaining customers over a long period can be easier than attracting new customers, plus it is important for continued success. There are a few effective strategies for maximizing CLV, such as:

  • Make customer service a priority

  • Listen to your customers

  • Cross-selling

  • Customer loyalty programs

  • High-quality products/services

  • Provide personalized experiences

  • Utilize subscription models

Bring in Specialists

Every business owner, investor, and manager should commit to continuous learning. Still, there is no shame in admitting that you do not have expertise in every business area, even with an online MBA. The best business leaders are the ones that understand this and bring in specialists to assist with areas that they need help - this could be outsourcing or on an interim basis to keep costs down. For example, you might be going through an acquisition or a merger, but you are not sure how to oversee this, so you bring in an interim manager to handle this allowing you to continue overseeing the daily operation.

Use Goal setting

Goal setting is an effective strategy for motivation and keeping the business moving forward at all times. Many businesses start to plateau once they find success, but this is dangerous in the business world, and you could quickly fall behind the competition. This is why you should set regular and challenging yet achievable goals for individuals, teams, departments. The entire company - be sure to recognize and celebrate when these goals are achieved too.

Expand into New Markets

It is hard to reach new heights and grow as a business if you are simply doing the same thing over and over. This is why when the time is right, it is worth looking for ways that you can expand into new markets and reach entirely new groups. This is one of the most effective growth strategies, but it is also important to be aware of neglecting the market that brought you success in the first place, and you must always be consistent when expanding into new markets for you to satisfy more than one group.

Hopefully, this post will give you a few ideas for ways to take your business to new heights and enjoy all the benefits that this can bring.

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