Want to Lead in E-Commerce? You Need to Be Universally Accessible

By Francis Hernandez

Aug 31, 2020 11:54 AM EDT

(Photo : Want to Lead in E-Commerce? You Need to Be Universally Accessible)

The business world shifted online years ago, but the transition has gone into overdrive during the first few months of 2020. Coronavirus has made online shopping the safest way to make purchases, accelerating an already well underway process.

There are ethical and legal reasons to stress the importance of universal accessibility, which dovetails nicely with E-Commerce's commercial imperative. North American regions have laws that compel websites and apps to comply with WCAG standards. Meanwhile, businesses want to sell their products to as many demographics as possible.

Now, there are on-demand accessibility crowdtesting platforms that E-Commerce companies can lean on to reach compliance faster and at a reduced cost.

Involve People with Disabilities Early in your Development Cycle

True universal accessibility means incorporating people with various disabilities to test your products right from the start. When you lean on web accessibility testing companies early on in your development cycle instead of as an add-on later, your testing will be more accurate and credible.

Usability research must be founded on stats and user insights observed by various feedback methodologies, like task analysis, observation techniques, and more. There's no substitute for having a community of engaged testers with various disabilities. 

This level of support allows E-Commerce companies to bypass recruitment, saving them valuable time and money.

Varied Testing

Diverse testing in digital accessibility means a few things. Web and mobile experiences need to run smoothly for users with every conceivable disability. Plus, people with disabilities need full accessibility on every Apple, Android, and other devices, as well as each version of every software.

E-Commerce companies need to ensure their websites and apps work perfectly with assistive technologies. Being able to instantly schedule interviews and prototype reviews with people deeply familiar with assistive technologies is a big win.

Digital companies can also request compatibility tests, review WCAG, and quickly get expert guidance. While automation has its uses in testing, there's nothing like having stage environments where people with various disabilities probe your product for flaws before it launches.

Robust accessibility quality assurance ensures the highest standards are met, while feedback takes only a couple days. E-commerce companies want to be in live, direct contact with testers. But to really identify barriers, assess experiences, and solve problems pre-launch, this approach should be augmented by occasional unmoderated testing.

Maximize Your Demographic

Achieving universal accessibility has no downside. In the province of Ontario, for example, AODA laws make accessibility a legal requirement. But universal accessibility helps E-Commerce companies expand their target audience. Companies want to expand the reach of their products.

Using an on-demand accessibility crowdtesting platform will give each E-Commerce company a roadmap based on all their needs.

The world has moved so firmly online that being excluded from internet access is effectively the same as being shut out of society. E-commerce companies would be wise to think of accessibility is an integral part of digital sales that needs to be embedded early on. To ensure you get universal accessibility faster and at less cost, consult an on-demand accessibility crowdtesting platform.

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