Longevity Experts Who Take Metformin

By Francis Hernandez

Aug 25, 2020 04:33 PM EDT

(Photo : Longevity Experts Who Take Metformin)


Ever since ancient times, humans have been chasing after the elixir of life to prolong longevity and shield them from all illnesses.

However, and as scientific research advances, we are now aware of some substances and compounds that do indeed prolong longevity.

Tim Ferriss, an American entrepreneur and five times Best-selling author in the New York Times/Washington Post, delved into the mindset and successful habits of billionaires and word-class leaders in his book: Tools of Titans.

According to Ferriss, one of the habits that's adopted by a dozen of successful people is taking Metformin to prolong longevity.

To further elaborate on this topic, let's take a look at longevity experts who take metformin:

David Sinclair

David Andrew Sinclair is an Australian biologist and professor of genetics at the Department of Genetics. Doctor Sinclair is also the co-director of the Paul F. Glenn Center for the Biology of Aging at Harvard Medical School.

For years, David Sinclair took interest in the aging process and the potential mechanisms to reverse and/or delay cellular aging.

According to him, aging is not a physiological process but rather a disease that can be treated; however, Dr. Sinclair also pointed out the potential social, economic, and political consequences of living long lives, especially with our limited resources for food and water. 

In one interview with the famous podcaster, Joe Rogan, Sinclair reported that he takes 1000 mg of Metformin on a daily basis, adding later in an article titled, This cheap pill might help you live a longer, healthier life, that you can buy a 15 cent pill without any prescription and at any pharmacy that could potentially prevent a myriad of debilitating diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, dementia, and cancer.

Of course, doctor Sinclair was referring to Metformin and the scientific evidence that advocates for its antiaging properties.

Nir Barzilai

Dr. Nir Barzilai has a long history in the field of aging research, as he's the director of the Institute for Aging Research at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine and the Paul F. Glenn Center for the Biology of Human Aging.

Over the years, doctor Barzilai published 230 peer-reviewed papers on numerous topics, as part of his job as the advisor for the National Institute of Health (NIH).

While Dr. Barzilai has published research about a variety of topics, he mainly specializes in the field of aging and longevity.

In several interviews, Dr. Barzilai emphasizes the importance of considering aging as a disease process that needs to be treated with pharmacological drugs.

One of the proposed approaches to address this issue is called Targeting Aging with MEtformin (TAME), which is based on the available research that supports the life-prolonging properties of Metformin in laboratory mice and patients with diabetes.

Unfortunately, healthcare institutions and insurance companies will not reimburse patients who take Metformin to treat aging since it's not classified as a pathology, to begin with.

Ray Kurzweil

Ray Kurzweil is an American inventor and futurist who has a rich record of innovations and prospective views.

The Wall Street Journal labeled him 'The Restless Genius' while Forbes magazine called him 'The Ultimate Thinking Machine'.

Interestingly, Ray has been taking Metformin for over a decade, which may explain why it's difficult to tell that he's 72 years old.

Jay Campbell

Jay Campbell is an Amazon Best-selling author of four books that entail the topic of optimizing healthcare space.

Campbell has a lot of expertise in the field of healthcare and biohacking, which is why he's the target of many leaders to get his opinions via The Jay Campbell Podcast.

Earlier this year, Campbell published a report titled: 'The Definitive Guide To Metformin: How to Use The World's Most Studied Drug For Living A Long And Healthy Life'. 

Throughout the report, Campbell advocates for the use of Metformin as a treatment for aging, stating that he will happily bet his life on it!

Robert Hariri

Doctor Robert Hariri is a surgeon and biomedical scientist that specializes in biomedicine and aerospace.

Dr. Hariri is the former chief executive officer of one of the largest human cellular therapeutic companies known as Celgene Cellular Therapeutics.

One major field that Dr. Hariri took an interest in is the treatment of patients with incurable diseases, using the technology of stem cell therapy.

According to reports, Dr. Robert Hariri is a big supporter of Metformin use in the field of antiaging to extend longevity.

Takeaway message

The use of Metformin to extend longevity has been gaining a lot of traction over the past few years, especially with the recent studies that shifted focus to human clinical trials instead of laboratory mice.

Dr. Sajad Zalzala has started his first online anti-aging clinic to slow down the accumulation of aging related damage by prescribing several anti-aging products.  His online platform can service clients in all 50 states via the website AgelessRx.com. AgelessRx provides a better alternative to traditional anti-aging clinics.

The main prescription products available on AgelessRx are Metformin, NAD+ Patches, and LDN (Low Dose Naltrexone). These products have been shown to have success in slowing the aging process and helping people live a longer, healthier life. The ability for patients to get Doctor-assisted care and buy Metformin anti-aging products from the comfort of their home is ground-breaking. Now the geographical constraints of finding a convenient anti-aging clinic have been eliminated.

Hopefully, this article managed to shed some light on the hidden potential of Metformin as an anti-aging drug and why some of the most successful people in their fields are taking it regularly.

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