How to Stop Procrastinating

By Staff Reporter

Aug 11, 2020 05:03 PM EDT

(Photo : pixabay)

To accomplish your goals, the first thing you need to do is stop procrastinating. The hardest part to achieving success is getting yourself started. You know what you need to do, but it's a challenge to even begin.

Instead, you wait until the very last minute. Then you end up rushing and doing a shoddy job. It's hard to be proud of something that you didn't do your best at. In the end, you could have done a much better job if you hadn't procrastinated!

Procrastination doesn't have to be your way of life. The following are tips to help you overcome your procrastination.

Tell Someone About Your Goal

Informing someone else about your goals can make you feel vulnerable. However, it holds you accountable for your performance. People are much more productive -and less likely to procrastinate- when they can be held responsible for finishing their goals.

Telling someone also gives you a cheerleader to push you on. And, when you've accomplished your end goal, you'll have someone to celebrate with.

Give Yourself a Prize

Procrastination happens when we do things, we'd rather be doing instead of the things we should be doing. To encourage yourself, create incentives to sweeten the pot. You're much more likely to finish a task if there's a prize attached at the end. Promise yourself something you enjoy after a task is complete. You'll be much more motivated to finish tasks if an incentive is involved.

Organize and Plan

A disorganized approach can cause you to shelve plans and procrastinate. Instead of chaos, set a clear path towards finishing the task. Break your plan up into pieces. Figure out what you need to finish your task. Developing a plan, clearing roadblocks, and gathering tools makes you less likely to procrastinate.

Make each step achievable. It's tempting to make grand plans. However, ensuring that the tasks are within your reach keeps you focused on finishing each smaller goal until you reach the end.

Create a Timeline and a Deadline

Not having a deadline is a sure-fire way to bring on procrastination. Establish deadlines for the completion of small steps and for meeting your end goal.

Telling yourself that "Someday I'll finish my goals" makes that goal seem unimportant. Instead, set specific dates for accomplishing your goals.

Tackle the Hard Stuff First

When making your plans, remember to start with the harder tasks first. Getting those tasks "over with" early on can make it less likely that you'll procrastinate. Once the difficult parts are done, everything else is downhill.

Prevent Distractions

It's vital to remove anything that may distract you from your plans. If you know you'll want to play video games, move the gaming console to another room. Emphasizing the task at hand and eliminating distractions can keep you from procrastinating.

Think Outside the Box

Creativity is key. Finding new ways to keep yourself from procrastinating might take some non-traditional methods. If procrastination is significantly impacting your life, hypnosis may be your game changer.

Many of the reasons people procrastinate are triggered by the mind. Whether the cause is a fear of success or failure, a lack of self-confidence, or a need for perfection, what's common is that it's all within the mind.

Procrastination can be hard to manage without addressing the reasons why you procrastinate in the first place. The mind can get caught in negative thought patterns. Through hypnosis, the mind can be trained to turn towards positive patterns instead. A certified hypnotist can program your mind to stop procrastinating. With hypnosis, you can set a clear path to your goals, free of negative thoughts and distractions.

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