How To Find The Best Loan For Your Business

By Staff Reporter

Nov 14, 2019 09:52 PM EST

(Photo : photo)

Obtaining a loan can be the difference between success and failure for new companies. Existing firms may also rely on business loans to shore up their finances or expand. Yet despite loans' role in facilitating business growth, many loan applicants fail to secure favorable lending terms because they're uncertain of the kind of financing they should be pursuing.

It's important to arm yourself with information about loans so you can get the right financing for your firm's specific needs. Here's how to find the best loan for your business and when to know if you're being scammed.

Character counts in business lending decisions

Your business may be strapped for cash, but don't throw caution to the wind and embrace whichever loan opportunity arises first. You should always beware of fast and easy financing options, as these usually entail steep interest rates or fraudulent financing schemes that could land you in financial turmoil.

Some loan providers are less strict than others, but be mindful of the saying "easy come, easy go". That is, a lender with easy terms may itself be less than trustworthy.

When researching loans or lines of credit, always take care to seek out lending providers with spotless credentials-and no history of shady dealings. Given that access to credit is one of the chief problems facing many small businesses, it's understandable that you're eager to sign with the first financing partner that comes along. Yet finding the right lender is preferable to accepting a loan from the first provider who comes along.

Your character also matters in lending decisions. If you want to secure a loan from a reputable lender, you'll have to highlight the strength of your business-as well as your own trustworthiness-to convince lenders that you are fit for financing.

When pursuing a loan and filling out an application, try to remember the 5 C's of credit: character, capacity, capital, conditions, and collateral. Fail to have even one of these bases covered and your application could easily be denied, leaving your business left out in the cold without the financing it needs.

Personal loans for business use

Your business may not be able to get a traditional loan-but that doesn't mean you should give up on finding financing. An alternative to business loans is personal loans, which carry a high interest rate but may be your best option for getting the capital your company needs.

One of the principal advantages of a personal loan is that it can be used for just about any purpose, including expanding a business or launching a startup. Using a personal loan to fund a business is not without risk, however. You will be on the hook for the money in question, meaning that a commercial failure could very well tarnish your credit history and endanger your financial future. Nevertheless, many entrepreneurs launch companies or expand their existing businesses with the help of personal loans because they can be easier to attain than formal business loans.

To minimize risk, you should do your research before taking out a personal loan for business purposes. Read up on the various pros and cons of personal loans, seek guidance from other business owners you trust, and do your research to find the loan-and the lender-that fits your needs the best.

Crowdsourced business funding

Another option to consider is crowdsourcing funds on the internet. The digital age has brought with it a myriad of ways to drum up cash, including grassroots platforms like GoFundMe. Crowdsourcing is new and somewhat unconventional as a business funding mechanism, but it allows you to publicize your business (or business idea) and generate enthusiasm even before you launch. Not only that, crowdsourcing can enable you to tap into this enthusiasm and find supporters who believe in your commercial dreams just as much as you do. Ensure that you don't overpromise, however, as your supporters may turn on you if you don't deliver on your promises.

Finding the right business loan for your growth plans

Whether you are crowdsourcing, seeking traditional loans from a bank, or embarking on a quest for a personal loan, securing financing is the first step towards unleashing the true potential of your business. Do your research and get the facts to make a smart financial choice.

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