
Samsung J3 For 2017 To Be Revealed!

Samsung will reveal Samsung J3 for the year 2017.

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Samsung Galaxy S7 News And Update: To Be Released In New Glossy Black Color Versus The Shiny Jet Black iPhone 7 "

Samsung prepares to have something that will match Apple's iPhone 7.

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Samsung Gears Up Competition With Apple Through Harman Deal

Just recently, Samsung has announced its plan to purchase the US based Harman International Industries, Inc. through an all-cash deal worth $8 billion.

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Samsung to launch AI.

Samsung company confirms the launch of the new AI in Galaxy S8.

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Samsung To Have $1B Investment For US Chip Production

Samsung Electronics confirmed on Tuesday that it is planning to invest more than $1 billion in its chip manufacturing facilities in Texas.

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Galaxy Note 8 is about to come.

Goodbye Galaxy Note 7 and hello Galaxy Note 8.

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Despite Galaxy 7 recall, Samsung Still Expects $3B Profit Hit

Although Samsung faces a massive failure for Galaxy 7, it is still seeing the lights as it expects $3B Profit Hit.

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US Stocks & Sectors Rise, Energy & Apple Moves Higher

U.S. stocks rise its gain. It leap up so high and while other stocks plungeto the lowest blow. Apple takes over Samsung, as it suffers from production for the replacement of the recalled unit. Other firms are enjoying its net as it rise up to a certain degree.

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Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Second Replacement Explodes

After assuring the safety of their replacement units of Galaxy Note 7, Samsung has yet to face another dilemma as their second replacement of the said unit has recently caught fire in the United States.

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Samsung Taking Over India’s Smartphone Market With New Features, Outpacing Apple

Samsung is establishing itself as India’s number one smartphone manufacturer. The company credits strong sales for its new series of mid-tier products with new special features.

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Samsung Pay Is Now Available In China

Samsung Pay has launched today in China trying to get a better position from its rival, Apple Pay and Alipay. Shoppers who use Samsung smartphones compatible with the company's newly launched mobile payment service will be able to pay for their purchases even without using a debit or credit card.

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India's Former Famous Smartphone, Micromax Now Scrabbles

Micromax has been the popular smartphone company in India but with the introduction of other cheaper smartphones from other companies, Micromax is now struggling to keep pace with its competitors. It is now seeking partnership for expansion to produce television and tablets outside its home country.

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Samsung Brings VR Technology to Fine Dining Experience, Offers Pitch to Restaurants

Samsung introduced its Gear VR new application in the culinary industry. Working with Sublimotion Restaurant in Ibiza, the Korean tech giant enriches dining experiences with the virtual reality technology, transporting diners from place to place, giving a unique dining sensation.

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Samsung Reveals Australian Date and Price for Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge

Samsung has revealed the price of Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge in Australia as A$1,149 and A$1,249 respectively. Both phones will be available on March 11 and offers pre-sale order on February 26.

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Samsung Galaxy S7 and LG G5 Information Leaked Ahead of February 21 Schedule

Samsung Galaxy S7 and LG G5 were set to be introduced on February 21. However, both the device’s details have been leaked on the internet, revealing most of the phone’s highlighted features. Both the 2016 flagship device will have a fingerprint scanner, along with other innovations.

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