
FAA recorded almost 700 drones and aircraft near collisions

FAA reported that there had been almost 700 close encounters between drones and planes. Drones have no permissions to soar the sky of more than 400 feet off the ground or within the five miles of any airport, but on the day of August 15, drones messed with air traffic in the Unites States, dozens of them.

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ACLU is looking for mistreated Amazon employees

In The Seattle Times Friday edition, the ACLU placed a whole page ad looking for current and former Amazon employees who believe they were mistreated during their employment .

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Amazon employees defends tribe from 'Purposeful Darwinism' culture story

Reacting to the New York Times investigation report on the world's most valuable online retail major, many Amazonians came down heavily condemning the report. New York Times website is flooded with comments from employees at Amazon.

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Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos: Amazon is not a jungle

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos reacted about the negative story published on August 15 on the New York Times, regarding the ruthless management practices inside the Amazon workplace. He's attesting that the report is a false accusation. Hence, he's persuading the employees to email him or approach the HR concerning the matter.

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US tech companies lead the $100B market capitalization list

Three of the top companies by market capitalization in the US are technology companies established after 1970 that make waves in the global markets until today.

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Amazon builds first wind farm in North Carolina; 208 MW renewable energy facility is expected to produce 670,000 MWH yearly

Amazon Inc., through its subsidiary Amazon Web Services (AWS), will be building a 208 megawatt wind farm in North Carolina. The wind farm will be built and jointly operated by AWS and Iberdrola Renewables, LLC of Portland, Oregon, and is the first utility-scale wind farm in the state.

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Wal-Mart takes on Amazon Prime Day, with more than 2,000 exclusive rollback online

Amazon is not going to get away with the sales spotlight as Wal-Mart launches its own version of Prime Day Wednesday, bringing the battle for sales spotlight to a whole new level.

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OnePlus gives away Cardboard VR viewer for free

Ahead of the release of its second generation flagship handset, smartphone maker OnePlus gave away a batch of 1,000 of their custom version of Google's Cardboard Virtual Reality viewer for free, charging only a minimal fee for shipping the item.

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Amazon to pay self-published authors based on pages read

It could soon pay more to write lengthier books, if you are an author self-publishing on Inc's Kindle ebook platform.

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Apple mines big profits from Watch band

Nearly 20 percent of Apple Watch buyers are not only shelling out hundreds of dollars for the timepiece but are springing for a spare band too, giving the tech giant a profitable second dip into customers' wallets, according to data provided exclusively to Reuters.

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Amazon's Europe changes to boost tax bill, add secrecy

Amazon’s decision to change its tax-efficient European business structure could raise its tax bill by as much as $100 million a year but authorities will have to fight for additional money and any payments will be hidden from public view.

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Amazon pays $16 million tax in Germany, while making $11.9 billion sales

Internet retailer Inc.'s (AMZN.O) main German operating unit paid just 11.9 million euros ($16 million) in tax in 2014, despite the group recording $11.9 billion in sales to German customers last year, regulatory filings show.

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Uber tests cash payments for cabs in India

Uber is testing cash payments in India as the online taxi-hailing company seeks a stronger foothold in a country where many fewer people have credit cards than internet connections.

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Tech triumvirate propels Nasdaq, S&P to record highs

The Nasdaq Composite and S&P 500 chalked up record high closes on Friday, propelled by strong results from tech behemoths Google, Amazon and Microsoft.

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Google's EU showdown offers openings to competitors

Start small, win quick, then move on to bigger issues. That appears to be the European Union's strategy to pursue Google (GOOGL.O) in a competition dispute by choosing to push a narrow set of charges around its shopping service, while opening another investigation of Google's Android mobile phone software.

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