
Amazon to Release $50 Tablet This Holiday as it Struggles to Sell Pricier Devices

Amazon.com, Inc. plans to drop a new tablet worth $50 as it has struggled drawing customers to its pricier devices. The said tablet is said to be rolled out this holiday.

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Dominant Apple gets a big bite in the market share pie

Apple once again proved to be the leader in the getting the highest sales for smartphones in the U.S. market. comScore, a digital media analytics, reported that Apple's iPhone continue to leave its competitors behind having a 44.2% of all American smartphone users with an increase of 1.1% from 43.1% it held in April of this year.

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Smart watch war: Huawei versus Apple Watch

Make way for the arrival of Huawei Watch on September 17 at Best Buy, GetHuawei.com, Amazon and Google Store in the U.S. The price starts at $349, and pre-orders begin September 2.

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Malware for jailbroken iOS devices steal Apple IDs from 225,000 people

Another data theft involving Apple was reported over the weekend where some 225,000 Apple account login data were stolen. The attacks originated from a malware of a family known as KeyRaider. It was distributed widely through an alternative App Store website known as Cydia in China.

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Google lets Android Wear smartwatches work with iPhones

After launching Android Wear back in March 2014 and seeing how Apple watch sales performed after their release, Google had decided to release an app that will allow their smartwatch that is already in the market to perform a twist. Android Wear will be iOS compatible.

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September 9 Apple Event may bring out a revamped Apple TV and the iPhone 6S

Apple recently announced its iPhone launch, which will be on September 9 at San Francisco's Bill Graham Civic Auditorium. There are reports that Apple will unveil an enhanced Apple TV and iPhone 6s.

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Apple stock rebounds after Tim Cook's e-mail on China sales

Apple's stock rose sharply Monday after chief executive Tim Cook sent a rare e-mail to a news commentator, saying sales in China had been strong.

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Apple falls, along with other tech giants and the US stock market

Apple shares went down seven percent Tuesday, and down again six percent Friday amid the declining U.S. stocks.

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Samsung wants iPhone users to sell their loyalty for $1 only

This is no joke. If you are an iPhone user and got a $1, you have the great opportunity to test drive Samsung's latest phone models namely the Galaxy S6 Edge, Galaxy S6 Edge+, and the Galaxy Note 5.

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Unicorn status for $1.8B ZocDoc

ZocDoc Inc. is a New York digital health scheduling company that was founded in 2007. At that time, it offers a free-of-charge medical care research facility for users by combining information about medical practices and doctors' individual schedules in a central location.

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Square Cash, the new app on Apple Watch, make fund transfer easy with a few taps

Taking mobile payments a step further, a new app on Apple Watch called 'Square Cash' enables transfer of funds among the users for free of cost. Without using your wallet, one can pay mobile payments using Square Cash on Apple Watch.

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Night navigation with Google Maps now made easier, safer

Night Mode, the new feature from Google Maps, gives more comfort to drivers during the night as it enables the users to easily navigate in the dark Night Mode option has been in demand by users of Google Maps for a long time. Google Maps has added the Night Mode option to iOS users.

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Apple treats Mac App Store developers like second-class citizens, Consumers will also be Affected

Compared to their iOS counterparts, Developers in the Mac App Store are making significantly less money and feels like they are treated like second class citizens in the world of Apple. This is bad news for developers and consumers alike.

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Apple Watch: Setting the tone for smartwatch market

The much awaited launch of Apple Watch is believed to be a success despite the absence of official data pertaining to its sales. According to research firm Strategy Analytics, Apple Watch has secured 75% market share in the global smart watch segment as the estimated shipment was at four million units during the second quarter of 2015.

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Apple reports strong sales but disappoints Wall Street

Apple may have exceeded internal targets for third quarter of fiscal year 2015, but Wall Street is not impressed. In its earnings report, the company announced that sales of iPhone, which represents more than half of Apple's business, had increased.Apple sold 47.5 million iPhone units.

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