
GitHub faces overhaul as many executives quit

GitHub is experiencing a huge inner havoc as many executives flee from the company. Chris Wanstrath has been overhauling the firm's culture backed by its board.

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Twitter Removed More Than 125,000 Accounts In Fight Against Radical Islamic Millitants

The social media site, Twitter has disclosed for the first time removal of more than 125,000 accounts on allegation of aiding terrorism. ISIS has been using Twitter and other social media sites as platforms for spreading their ideologies and recruiting new members. Facebook is also adopting special measures in this regard due to growing concerns over poor policing by the sites against terrorism.

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Facebook’s Parse Service Shutdown Upsets Many Developers Programmers, Betting Trust In The Future

The shutting down of Parse, a startup for developers that have been bought by Facebook in 2013, has received many protests from its users. Many small developers are disappointed and consider that Facebook cannot be trusted as a platform to support them.

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Google Just Beat Facebook In The Race To Artificial Intelligence Milestone

Google has set a milestone in the field of artificial technology, with its latest innovation AlphaGo. The program has been designed to tackle the 10 to the power of 700 variations that the ancient Chinese game of Go offers. Additionally, they beat FaceBook in this race, as Zuckerberg had announced the launch of a similar program called Darkforest around the same time.

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Microsoft to place future data centers under water

Microsoft has put a prototype of data center under the ocean to examine its efficacy to work hundreds of feet beneath the ocean surface. The underwater data centers could reduce the delay in web service.

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Facebook Prohibits Unlicensed Private Gun Sales On Its Sites And Instagram, Warns For Compliance With Local Regulations

Facebook users will soon be prohibited from coordinating private firearm sales using its platform and also through Instagram. The step evokes strict policies on regulating promotional posts on unlicensed gun businesses . The new rule is only applicable for person-to-person firearm sales, licensed gun dealers will be permitted to use the social network.

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There's No Stopping Facebook's Growth, Thanks To Mobile Users And Video Ad

Facebook's growth is just unstoppable. The number of the active users keeps increasing, as well as the revenue it gains. Most of the revenue is said to come from the Facebook Lite, which is usually used by users with less sophisticated mobiles. Besides that, video ad also gives many contributions as well.

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Facebook growth in 2016 will focus on video advertising, Instagram, and Oculus Rift

Facebook is expected to announce its fourth-quarter earnings soon and analyst are expecting that the company will deliver a better than expected report. The company is also expected to boost its revenue this year through the expansion of its video advertising, Instagram, and Oculus RIft.

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Free Basics Internet Program Still Struggles Against India Regulators

The program aims to provide limited internet access to users, but the concept has raised concerns regarding internet neutrality. The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India has asked Facebook to discontinue the service until they provide more information on the program as requested. Facebook has responded with a campaign, but the program's ban has not yet be lifted.

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Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey is new product head

Jack Dorsey will be the next product boss. Jack Dorsey, the creator of Square and Twitter, will be able to infuse bold product modification which has been lacking at the company.

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Google Deals With HMRC To Pay Back Taxes of £130 Million To The UK, France Probably The Next Claimant

HMRC has been conducting multiyear investigation to unearth Google’s tax dodging events. Though denied earlier, a Google spokesperson has narrated a deal with the Britain’s tax authority to pay taxes of £130 million due for over a decade. The deal is significant since many countries around the globe are conducting scrutiny to ascertain dodged tax amounts of Google and other multinationals. Investigations in accordance with OECD guidelines may also help France to establish its claim for $1 billion as unpaid taxes.

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Social Network Facebook to construct second data center in Ireland

Facebook announced its plan to open the second data center in Clonee, Ireland. By opening the Clonee center, the company is joining a list of companies like Google, Apple, Microsoft and Amazon, which operate some of the European centers in the nation.

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Nielsen to use Facebook, Twitter to measure peoples’ TV watching activities

The media research firm Nielsen will enhance its methods for measuring people’s TV watching activities using the new “Social Content Ranking,” which will use Facebook and Twitter for their surveys.

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Facebook releases Sports Stadium for the big gamers chatters

Facebook has come out with yet another special feature, this time, exclusively for the sports fans. Its Sports Stadium will be a virtual hub for millions of sports fanatics to get together and post photos/videos, like them, look at a dashboard full of stats and, most importantly, chat about the games, all the while getting access to expert commentary by celebrities and their teams. Currently, this space has only been rolled out for iOS in the US.

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Zuckerberg’s Efforts For Spreading Internet Connectivity Draw Further Criticisms

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, has continued his efforts to spread internet even in the poor countries through Free Basics or internet.org. Even in paternity leave, he responds to the criticisms placing arguments. But now, he is facing criticism even from his own house. An unidentified Facebook employee has appeared to criticize his moves and Facebook spokesperson hasn’t commented on such in-house resistance.

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