
Public Sector Workers Get Higher Wage, More Benefits Than Private Counterparts

A comparison in the compensation of government and private sector in Canada revealed a 10.6% wage gap. Public sector workers are found to get paid more and enjoy more benefits. The report also stated that workers in the public sector have better retirement programs and are less likely to experience job loss.

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Canada’s Agricultural Sector In Crisis Due To Labor Shortage

Shortage in low-skilled farm workers threatens to double in 2025, worsening the already challenged agricultural sector. The growing labor gap in the sector was brought about by different factors that include globalization, physicality of work and aging work force, and the existing immigration policy.

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Charlie Angus Resigns As NDP Caucus Chair

Charlie Angus of the NDP resigned as the caucus chair and indigenous affairs critic. This move is prompted by a potential leadership run.

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Foreign Investmentsin Canada

Canadian foreign investments had been growing and growing according to report and started since September.

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Canadian Immigration Site Crashed After Trump's Victory

Right after the victory of Donald Trump in the 2016 US Elections, the Canadian Immigration Website crashed for numbers of inquiries.

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Ontario overhauling on Finance

Ontario government is overhauling with some of the financial regulatory bodies.

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Canadian Government Takes Another Look On Nova Gas Transmission Regulation

Nova gas transmission reggulation has been reviewed by the canadian government.

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EU-Canada Finally Signed Long-Delayed And Disputed Free Trade Deal

The long talk of the town for EU and Canadian citizens has finally been signed -- EU-Canada Free Trade Deal.

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Marijuana Investment Rises Up In Canada

With listed potentials, Marijuana investment is a good thing especially in Canada.

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Romania Is Already On Visa Deal With Canada

Romania had the Canada visa deal for broader horizons. Other arrangement may set into.

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Belgium Still At 'Non' For Canada Trade Deal

Belgian region of Wallonia still shows off its contradiction to the Canada Peace Deal

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IRCC Promulgates Forward Projections For Immigration Regulations

The government of Canada has made a lot of amendment and implications for its immigration procedures and policies.

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Canada Dispenses Investment Structure; Opts Faster Economy Growth

Canada is trying to get their infrastructure as quickly as possible to spur growth.

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Canada’s RBC Denied Facilitating Tax Evasion in Connection to Panama Papers Leak

The Royal Bank of Canada has released an official statement, explaining that the bank is not guilty for any illegal activities including tax evasion in connection to shell company set up as mentioned in leaked papers from Panama’s Mossack Fonseca. The bank claimed to have high standards to ensure clients would not use its services to evade tax.

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Canada’s Liberal Budget Provides More Financial Aids to Students, Making Post-Secondary Education More Attainable

Canadian students can now receive more grants as the government’s first budget revealed more financial aids for post-secondary students. In addition, graduates will not be demanded to pay students loan back until they make $25,000 a year.

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