
IMF says Argentina meets targets for more accurate data

Argentina has taken all the required steps so far to revamp its economic data but must still meet one more deadline as it seeks to bring the quality of its statistics in line with global standards, the International Monetary Fund's board said on Monday.

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Fed faces big decision over a few choice words

Federal Reserve officials will decide this week whether to make a critical change to their policy statement that would widen the door for interest rate hikes next year and effectively bet the United States will continue to shine in a gloomy global economy.

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BOJ survey shows Japan business mood fragile, makes Abe's task harder

Confidence among Japanese manufacturers worsened slightly in the fourth quarter and firms expect conditions to deteriorate more, highlighting the challenges premier Shinzo Abe faces in reviving the economy a day after his big win in Sunday's snap election.

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Fed considers time to end free money pledge

The U.S. Federal Reserve would give the clearest signal next week that its easy money stance is ending if, as some expect, it drops its two-year long pledge to keep interest rates close to zero for a "considerable time".

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After years of doubts, Americans turn more bullish on economy

Pessimism and doubt have dominated how Americans see the economy for many years. Now, in a hopeful sign for the economic outlook, confidence is suddenly perking up.

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RBI finds falling inflation a hard sell for Indian consumers

Waiting for the right moment to cut interest rates, India's central bank faces a problem over public perceptions that price rises will return to double-digits even though forecasts show retail inflation fell to a record low of 4.5 percent last month.

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ECB's loans offer clues in quantitative easing guessing game

The guessing game over the timing of euro zone money printing will intensify as the European Central Bank unveils a closely watched gauge of policy in the coming week, the highlight of a calendar dominated by Europe's malaise.

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Bank on 'Super Mario' to give Europe a monetary jolt

From his office on the 41st floor of the gleaming new European Central Bank headquarters, Mario Draghi's view stretches far beyond Frankfurt's high-rise financial center and he doesn't like what he sees.

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Fed's Fischer says government bond buys by ECB would have positive effects: La Repubblica

The European Central Bank should follow the example of the U.S. Federal Reserve and buy government bonds to prop up the tottering euro zone economy, the Fed's vice chair Stanley Fischer was quoted as saying in an Italian newspaper.

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UK manufacturing grows slightly faster in November despite lackluster exports: PMI

British manufacturing activity unexpectedly picked up a little speed in November as domestic demand offset falling exports due to sluggish orders from the euro zone and emerging markets, a survey showed on Monday.

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Brazil's Levy says lower debt will open room for social spending

Brazil's efforts to bring down its debt will translate into renewed investor confidence and additional room to continue poverty-reduction policies for the years to come, incoming Finance Minister Joaquim Levy said on Saturday.

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Japan inflation slows in October, highlights challenge facing Abe

Japan's annual core consumer inflation slowed for a third straight month in October due to falling oil prices, highlighting the economic gloom facing Premier Shinzo Abe as he campaigns for a new mandate to implement his stalled recovery plan.

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Japan's Amari - consumer prices flat after oil price fall

Japanese Economics Minister Akira Amari said on Friday that consumer prices are basically flat as a decline in oil prices has been slowing inflation.

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Low food inflation tightens squeeze on Europe's grocers

Subdued food price inflation in Europe is unlikely to pick up any time soon, adding to the pressure on mainstream grocers as they struggle with changing shopping habits and competition from discounters.

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Countdown to missed opportunity for EU economy

The countdown has begun to what threatens to be a missed opportunity to revive Europe's stalled economy. When European Union leaders meet on Dec. 18-19 under new management, they have a chance to launch a joint assault on the economic stagnation and high unemployment that are fuelling disenchantment and anti-EU protest among voters.

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