Legal & Regulatory

FCC Reinstates Net Neutrality Rules in Landmark Vote: What You Need to Know

The FCC has landmark decided to reinstate net neutrality rules, treating internet companies like utilities.

Tesla Car in Autopilot Mode Hit and Killed Motorcyclist Near Seattle, Raising Questions About the Tech's Safety

Tesla's Autopilot driving system raises safety concerns after a tragic car crash near Seattle that hit and killed a motorcyclist...

Binance Founder Changpeng Zhao Apologizes, Accepts 'Full Responsibility' in Letter to Judge Ahead of Sentencing

Binance founder and former CEO Changpeng Zhao has publicly apologized for his past actions and "poor decisions" ahead of his sentencing...

Biden Administration Announces New Federal Rules: Airlines Required to Automatically Give Refunds for Delayed, Canceled Flights

The new rules oblige airlines to provide refunds automatically, eliminating the need for passengers to request them explicitly...

Latest News

Governors in 6 Southern States Warn Workers Against Joining UAW Union, Say Unionization Places Jobs in Jeopardy
Governors of six Southern states have warned workers against joining the United Auto Workers (UAW) union in an effort to stop unionization in their states' auto factories.
Student Loan Forgiveness 2024: President Joe Biden Unveils New Plan to Cancel Debt of 25 Million Borrowers
The Biden administration has announced its official plans to address the issue of ballooning interest and alleviate the burden of student loan debt for borrowers.
Trudeau Government Announces Tax Hike on Wealthy Canadians in Federal Budget to Fund Housing
The new tax increase raises the taxable portion of capital gains exceeding $250,000 Canadian (US$181,000) from half to two-thirds.
Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg Cleared of Personal Liability in Child Addiction Lawsuits by Court Decision
Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg cleared of personal liability in child addiction lawsuits. US District Judge dismisses claims, emphasizing the necessity of a "special relationship" for liability. Meta remain
Nestle Allegedly Adds Sugar, Honey to Baby-Food Products in Poorer Countries—Here's Why Parents Should Worry
Nestle is accused of adding sugar and honey to baby food products sold in poorer countries. Experts criticize the Swiss food firm for this.
Japan Proposes EU-like Regulation to Curb Big Tech App Marketplace Monopoly
The bill aims to prevent gatekeeping by major platform operators like Apple and Google by restricting actions such as blocking third-party stores.
US Treasury Warns Sanctions Against Iran's Oil Exports Following Israel Attack
U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen announces forthcoming sanctions on Iran following its drone and missile attacks on Israel, using their oil exports to disrupt the country's destabilizing activitie
TicketMaster Parent Live Nation to Face DOJ Antitrust Lawsuit Soon: Report
The US Department of Justice (DOJ) reportedly plans to sue Live Nation, the parent company of Ticketmaster, for federal antitrust violations.
FBI Launches Criminal Inquiry Into Baltimore Bridge Collapse as Authorities Recover Fourth Body
The FBI is investigating the March collapse of Baltimore's Francis Scott Key Bridge after local authorities found a fourth body.
Joe Biden Refuses to Testify in Impeachment Probe, Says House Inquiry Into Him and His Family's Business Affairs 'Is Over'
President Joe Biden has refused to participate in the House impeachment inquiry.
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