Palo Alto

Apple mulls over acquisition of electric car maker Tesla -report

Cupertino, US-based smartphone giant Apple considered purchasing Palo Alto, California-based electric car manufacturer Tesla, according to a San Francisco Chronicle report citing an unnamed source.

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California-based restaurant reservation platform OpenTable acquires Ness in $17.3M cash deal

San Francisco, US-based online real-time restaurant reservation platform OpenTable acquired Palo Alto, California-based personalized recommendations app maker Ness Computing in a deal valued at $17.3 million.

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US startup Ravel Law raises $8.1M to build research tool for lawyers -report

Palo Alto, US-based legal search and analytics startup Ravel Law raised $8.1 million in funding to build a tool that will help lawyers cut research time and cut costs, according to an exclusive report by VentureBeat.

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Google bought 7 robotics firms for Andy Rubin to compete with Amazon

Google acquired seven robotics firms in the past six months to create manufacturing and logistics robots for a project under Android founder Andy Rubin to compete with Amazon's flying delivery drones.

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