Bank of America

Federal judge allows FIRREA law interpretation against Bank of America

A federal judge allowed the lawsuit filed by the Justice Department against a unit of Bank of America to proceed by endorsing a broad interpretation of the FIRREA.

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Financial sector near to recovery of S&P top spot

Studies by financial analysts indicated that the banking sector is recovering and may regain top spot on S & P.

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Bank of America reports USD1.5 billion funds added to purchase leveraged loans

Bank of America Corp reported about USD1.5 billion were added by investors into funds that purchase leveraged loans in the U.S.

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Zulily Pursues IPO

E-commerce company Zulily hires banks for possible initial public offering.

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US market busiest in 2 months, sells US $30 billion on bonds

Goldman Sachs Group, Inc and Bank of America leads the corporate bond sales this week, which raked in approximately US $30 million.

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UBS regains title of world's largest private bank

UBS gained back the title of largest private bank

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WikiLeaks donations decline in past 2 years

WikiLeaks donations declined in the past 2 years.

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CYS rating downgraded, industry outlook bleak

The Bank of America downgraded its rating on financing firm CYS Investments.

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Trader Karim Kanji Leaves Barclays

Karim Kanji announced his resignation from Barclays

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Bank of America Expected To Face Property Fees Suit

Bank of America expected to face Texas lawsuit and its corresponding fees

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Outflows continue as Fed fears remain

Outflows continue in record breaking fashion, as a total of $23 billion, the biggest since 1992, was reported.

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BofA Hires John Binnie for Investment Banking

Bank of America Corp, the second biggest bank in the US by asset announced its new investment banking vice chairman, John Binnie from Moelis & Co.

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Wal-Mart Opening Retirement Fund for Bidding to Managers

Wal-Mart, with nearly 1.2 million strong retirement fund members, is accepting bids to manage its US$15.6 billion 401k program.

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Government gives big banks 2 years to comply

Bank of America, Chase, CitiGroup and other big banks were given two years to comply with the Dodd-Frank requirement that pushed swaps trading out of banks.

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Hyundai Rotem (South Korea) goes public

Hyundai Rotem IPO is now official.

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