
Switzerland Orders Government Software to Become Open Source

Switzerland Orders Government Software to Become Open Source

Switzerland became one of the world’s first countries to mandate making its government website softwares to become open source with the implementation of the Federal Law on the Use of Electronic Measures for the Fulfillment of Government Tasks.

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'Suicide Capsule' Banned by Swiss Authorities Weeks Before First Planned Use

Known as 'Tesla of Euthanasia,' 'Suicide Capsule' Banned by Swiss Authorities Weeks Before First Planned Use

Swiss authorities have banned the use of the Sarco "suicide capsule," set to debut in euthanasia clinics, citing ethical and legal concerns about the device's method.

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Nestle to Launch Weight Management Food Products Targeting Ozempic, Wegovy Users in Q4 2024

Nestle to Launch Weight Management Food Products Targeting Ozempic, Wegovy Users in Q4 2024

Nestle announced that they would be launching its ‘Vital Pursuit’ food line by Q4 2024, which would target those using the semaglutide drugs Ozempic and Wegovy.

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Berkshire Hathaway Reveals $7 Billion Investment to Swiss Insurer Chubb

Berkshire Hathaway Reveals $7 Billion Investment to Swiss Insurer Chubb

Warren Buffet’s company Berkshire Hathaway divulged that it has recently made a $7 billion investment in Swiss insurer Chubb.

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Switzerland Creates 'Too Big to Fail' Rules to Make Banks Safer Following Credit Suisse Collapse

Switzerland Creates 'Too Big to Fail' Rules to Make Banks Safer Following Credit Suisse Collapse

Switzerland presented proposals for UBS, along with three other systemically relevant banks, to protect the country from a recurrence of the Credit Suisse collapse experienced last year.

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China Snubs Ukraine's Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Davos as It Continues to Side With Russia's Vladimir Putin

China Snubs Ukraine's Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Davos as It Continues to Side With Russia's Vladimir Putin

Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy faced disappointment as his attempts to secure a meeting with Chinese officials during the annual World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, were unsuccessful.

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UK, Switzerland Ink a Post-Brexit Financial Services Deal

UK, Switzerland Ink Post-Brexit Financial Services Deal

The United Kingdom (UK) and Switzerland have inked a landmark post-Brexit financial services deal on Thursday.

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European banks under regulators' scanner amid Panama Papers issue

European banking regulators have begun probing links between banks and tax havens in the wake of leakage of Panama Papers. Switzerland's financial watchdog FINMA has cautioned banks to crack down on money laundering. Geneva has also commenced a criminal enquiry into banks dealing with tax havens in the wake of Panama Papers.

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Swiss Researchers Developed a Software That Could Enable Drones to Search for Lost Hikers

Switzerland receives about 1000 emergency calls from hikers every year. In order to create a technology that could give a faster response and search more effectively for lost or injured hikers, a group of researchers developed a software with a combination of Artificial Intelligence. The software enable drones to autonomously navigate forest areas and direct themselves to hiking trails.

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Nestle to acquire food-maker Osem Investments for $840 million

Nestle has decided to acquire the remaining stake of 36.3% in Osem and take the Israeli food company fully private. An offer of $840 million has been made to buy out the shares, and a shareholder meeting has been scheduled in March which should reveal the final decision arrived at by the company.

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Europe recession looks enduring, warns think tank

Europe recession looks enduring, warns the IPPR report. It said the severe unemployment and underemployment in Europe are signals of an alarming situation about the deepening recession.

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The world’s first driverless bus will hit Switzerland roads in 2016

Swiss-based startup BestMile announced that it will begin on-road commercial trials of its autonomous bus system next year. The on-road trial will run for two years to test how well the vehicles operate in real-life traffic.

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The new accurate way to measure the world’s wealthiest countries

New World Wealth (NWW), a South Africa-based market research consultancy, released the lists of wealthiest countries, ranked by using its own new method.

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U.S. Ranks Third in the Global Tax Havens List

The United States is now third place in the list of top tax havens for foreign companies on the biannual Financial Secrecy Index by the Tax Justice Network, next to Switzerland and Hong Kong.

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Nestlé’s Nespresso provides bigger cups of coffee for Americans

Switzerland is adding another factory for Nespresso, Europe's largest single-serve coffee brand. This is to manufacture capsules uniquely designed for the U.S. consumers where sales growth is bigger than its home continent according to Bloomberg.

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