
Norway Files Complaint Against Meta Over AI Training on User Data

Norway Files Complaint Against Meta Over AI Training on User Data

The Norwegian Consumer Council has filed a complaint against Meta over its plans to use the images and posts of users on Facebook and Instagram to train artificial intelligence (AI) models.

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Hong Kong Cracks Down Fake Crypto Exchange Using Elon Musk Deepfakes to Trick Investors

Norway's Sovereign Wealth Fund Vows to Vote Against Elon Musk's $56 Billion Tesla Pay Package

Norway’s $1.7 trillion sovereign wealth fund plans oppose Tesla CEO Elon Musk’s $56 billion pay package ahead of a shareholder vote next week.

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Norway’s Oil Explorer Undergoes Final Checks Before Sailing to Barents Sea Oil Field

Norway’s Oil Explorer Undergoes Final Checks Before Sailing to Barents Sea Oil Field

The Norwegian oil production tanker Johan Castberg is undergoing final checks before she sets sail for a Barents Sea oil field of the same name by Q4 2024.

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Norway Airspace Shuts Down for Several Hours Following Technical Glitch

Norway Airspace Shuts Down for Several Hours Following Technical Glitch

A technical malfunction in Norway resulted in the temporary shutdown of airspace over the country's southern region, causing significant disruptions at Oslo Airport.

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Norway Labor Unions Successfully Negotiated a 5.2% Wage Increase, Avoiding Major Strike

Labor unions and employers in Norway have successfully negotiated a 5.2% wage increase.

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Norway Withdraws More On Oil Fund; Lowers Price

For the first time need to withdraw cash sovereign wealth fund as western Europe's bigget oil exporter.

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Norwegian's Global Lavbeta II Fund Cuts Volatility With Low Beta Stocks

Oslo-based pension and insurance provider KLP beat benchmark in 5 of 7 years. The portfolio strategy to bet on stocks with low volatility is proven to be successful.

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Ineos Started Shipping US Shale Gas to Europe

Shale gas from U.S. has begun shipment to Europe. The world-largest LNG carrier Ineos Intrepid has bound for Norway carrying 27,500 m3 of liquified ethane gas.

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Opera Software ASA Receives Acquisition Offer of $1.2 Billion From Chinese Internet Companies

Opera Software, widely known for browsers, has been offered $1.2 billion to sell its 100% stake to a Chinese consortium. The buyers are awaiting a nod from the shareholders who are almost sold on the tempting offer that reflects a win-win situation for both parties.

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Norwegian's Megakopter Drone Set World Record of Lifting Heavy Cargo

A group of students in University of Oslo set a Guinness World Record by lifting a 134.5 pounds (61 kg) payloads with drone. The drone is a multi copter drone made of eight drones chained together.

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Corvus Energy Succeeds, Where U.S. Energy Startups Failed

Corvus Energy, Canadian lithium-ion battery company has successfully made it to top three in Deloitte Technology Fast 500 ranking. Recently, Statoil, Norwegian largest offshore oil and gas company also invest in Corvus battery technology.

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The new accurate way to measure the world’s wealthiest countries

New World Wealth (NWW), a South Africa-based market research consultancy, released the lists of wealthiest countries, ranked by using its own new method.

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Second interest rate cut for Norway

Falling oil price is taking its toll in Norway as the country central bank cuts interest rate again for the second times this year and the third time in 10 months. Oeystein Olsen, Norway's Central Bank governor announced the rate cut on Thursday citing that slow economic growth as the main reason.

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Europe is far behind in its electronic waste recycling target

A study conducted by Interpol and the United Nations said that only 33% of Europe's electronic wastes is correctly recycled. A large number of these electronic wastes include computers, cellphones and televisions that are dumped or traded illegally.

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Global sluggishness erodes $9B in Norway's pension fund

Adverse conditions in the global markets took a toll on Norway's Pension Fund, the world's largest sovereign fund, in the second quarter.

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