George W. Bush

Ex-SEC Chief William Donaldson Dies Aged 93

Ex-SEC Chief William Donaldson Dies Aged 93

The Yale University School of Management announced the death of its founding dean, former Securities and Exchange Commission chairman Wiliam Donaldson, at the age of 93.

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Paul Singer contributes $2.5 million to super Pac

Huge hedge funder Paul Singer donated 2.5 million US dollar, while his friend Cliff Asness, an investment magnate, sponsored 1 million US dollar to super PAC.

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Mark Zuckerberg to host Facebook Townhall Q&A with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg invited India's Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi for a Q&A session on Facebook HQ in California. The event will be held on September 27, 9:30 am PST.

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How an off-the-cuff remark shaped Jeb Bush's economic vision for U.S.

There were no fancy economic models or forecasts when former Florida Governor Jeb Bush first tossed out the idea that 4 percent annual growth should be the overarching goal for the U.S. economy.

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Presidential candidate Rubio vows to use U.S. power to guard economic interests

Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio said on Wednesday that the United States must respond aggressively when rivals such as China and Iran take actions that threaten U.S. economic interests.

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Iran nuclear deal may open oil taps in months, not weeks

A possible deal over Iran's nuclear program that would phase out economic sanctions against Tehran is unlikely to flood world markets with more oil any time soon, despite Iran's declared intention to claw back market share lost because of the curbs.

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Contract negotiators for U.S. West Coast ports reach tentative deal

A group of shipping companies and a powerful dockworkers union clinched a tentative labor deal on Friday after nine months of negotiations, settling a dispute that disrupted the flow of cargo through 29 U.S. West Coast ports and snarled trans-Pacific maritime trade with Asia.

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Pressure mounts on shippers, union to settle West Coast ports dispute

The U.S. labor secretary joined congressional leaders, three governors and a big-city mayor on Wednesday in pushing shipping lines and the dockworkers' union to settle a contract dispute that has led to months of turmoil and cargo backups at 29 West Coast ports.

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Japan automakers hit production snags as U.S. port dispute drags on

Japanese automakers are being forced to ship some car parts to U.S. plants by expensive air cargo and tweak production processes as a protracted labor dispute at U.S. West Coast ports shows no signs of letting up.

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U.S. West Coast shippers invoke specter of port shutdowns

The chief labor negotiator for shippers and terminal operators at 29 U.S. West Coast ports raised the ante in contract talks with the dockworkers' union on Wednesday, warning that ports plagued by chronic cargo slowdowns were days away from complete gridlock.

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Spending- why 'red' states shoulder the deepest cuts under Obama

As Washington has tightened its belt in recent years, the budget cuts have sliced most deeply in states where President Obama is unpopular, according to an analysis of federal spending by Reuters.

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