
Taiwanese banks not the promised venues for foreign investors

Taiwan's banks have become minefields for private equity companies.

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Barclays Plc freeze accounts of its clients in the UAE

After its announcement of its closure of banking operations, Barclays Plc had begun freezing its customers accounts.

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Polish Central Bank Governor says do business "in a smart and intelligent way"

Marek Belka, Poland's Central Bank Governor, had urged local banks to find opportunities through purchase of local rivals that are owned by foreign banks.

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Abu Dhabi Energy Corp's Moroccan unit set for IPO

Subject to board approval, all preparations are being done for the IPO of the Moroccan unit of the Abu Dhabi Energy Corp.

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Capital and loan-loss provisioning of Chinese banks- factbox

Chinese authorities warned potential problems the Chinese banks could face if they don't beef up their capital requirements but Factbox figures from Reuters revealed a different scenario.

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China pushes private banks to raise private capital to avoid government bailout- analysis

A Reuters analysis revealed that Beijing was looking to private capital to strengthen the balance sheets of Chinese banks.

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Barclays set to exit UAE , opening assets for local banks such as FGB

The First Gulf Bank said it is not interested to bid for Barclays business in the UAE.

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Australia's Bell Group saga ends with a settlement

A settlement was reached between a consortium of banks and liquidators over the current legal dispute over the collapse of the Bell Group of Australia.

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World Bank President confident of China meeting growth targets

Jim Yong Kim, World Bank Group President, says that there is still risk present even as China reaches and surpasses its 2013 growth target.

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Swiss National Bank Chairman Thomas Jordan calls out more requirements for banks

According to Thomas Jordan, Swiss National Bank Chairman, said there is a lot that needs to be done before banks can avoid harming the general economy.

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EU agency to manage weak banks and deep debts to be set up post-German elections

The Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive for all EU members to recognize the Single Resolution Mechanism would be created after the German elections.

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Mauritius opening up to Indian banks

Indian banks are seeking to set up shop in Mauritius in order to gain from possible business the African continent would provide.

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Standoff on M&A of mining assets puts bankers' skills to the test

The standoff on the M&A deals in the mining sector has tested the patience and skills of bankers.

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Basel IV requirements would need another GBP50 billion for compliance

UK banks would need another GBP50 billion on top of GBP13.7 billion to comply with both Basel III and Basel IV.

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Dell Inc set to meet creditor banks for leveraged buyout financial backing

The financing aspect of the leveraged buyout of Dell Inc by CEO Michael Dell and Silver Lake Partners was discussed for finalization.

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