
Banks should defer bonuses 10 years, tap them for fines: Fed official

Banks should defer bonus payments for 10 years and tap the bonus pool to pay any regulatory fines, a top Federal Reserve official said on Monday, taking aim at continued lapses across the industry even after the 2007-9 financial crisis.

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Banks to get instruction manual for submitting Libor quotes

Banks who submit quotes for compiling Libor interest rates will have to follow a manual of instructions to avoid a repeat of the rigging seen in the past, the benchmark's new administrator said on Monday.

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Hedge funds seen to snatch risky opportunities US and foreign banks now avoid

While US and foreign banks do away with risky investments like municipal bonds, hedge funds had taken advantage with the loss of a competitor and increased their positions in such assets, a Barron's report said.

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Startup's biggest funding comes from family, friends - Fundable

Friends and family of startups were found to be its biggest supporters, shelling out USD23,000 in a business on average, totaling USD60 billion in fresh capital annually, based from data collected by online crowdfunding platform Fundable.

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US regulators, banking industry set talks to for guidelines on marijuana banking

The US Treasury Department will meet with the banking industry in December to give guidelines on how to deal with marijuana businesses in states that have legalized marijuana use.

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Banks avoid financial backing for Etisalat over letter of support issued for subsidiary

Two of the most active banks in the Gulf region, Standard Chartered and Citigroup Inc have decided not to support Etisalat's loan for the acquisition of Maroc Telecom.

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Saudi Arabia's largest healthcare providers to do IPO

Sulaiman Al-Habib (HMG) and Almana General Hospitals have engaged the services of separate banks to assist in its IPO listing.

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Norway's financial regulator requires 'too big to fail' tag on eight banks

Eight banks were identified as 'too big to fail' by the Norwegian financial regulatory authority.

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Two Brazilian banks reducing risk with Grupo EBX developments

The collateral provided by Batista and Grupo EBX have helped reduce the bank exposure risk for Banco Santander Brasil and Itau Banco.

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US Fed Reserve require stress tests on banks

Several banks required to undergo Fed Reserve stress tests to determine capacity of capital cushions on hypothetical adverse conditions.

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Banco do Brasil obtains syndicated loan

A USD1 billion syndicated loan was formalized by Banco do Brasil with five international lending institutions.

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Evidence in one case used tor LIbOR rigging suit against Barclays

Presented evidence on another case is being used as evidence to prove Barclays' hand in the recent LIbOR rigging scandal.

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Too big to fail is not a reason anymore

Banking regulators now are empowered to confiscate and break up a financial institution if bankruptcy would only hurt the economy.

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Tokyo Electric receives reprieve from debt through roll overs

Tokyo Electric's debtors allow debt roll over for the stricken power utility firm.

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Essent engages top banks for IPO

Mortgage insurance firm Essent added Wells Fargo into its list of underwriters together with Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase and Barclays.

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