Brooke Shields talks about her memoir: Liam Neeson proposes to her twice and dumps her

By Staff Writer

Nov 17, 2014 01:30 PM EST

Brooke Shields opens up her life for public scrutiny as she wrote a memoir about her celebrity romances, her mom, and her crazy life as a child star, People reported.

In her new memoir, 'There Was a Little Girl,' Shields revealed some juicy stories about her love affair with none other than Liam Neeson who wooed her twice and dumped her.

She dated the 'Taken' actor back in 1992 after her break up with her Princeton boyfriend Dean Cain. Brooked admits that she was swept off her feet by Neeson's movie-star status and writes how he wooed her with "his brogue, his poetry and his s---ty choice of cheap pinot grigio wine." They grew serious after only three months and he asked her to marry him, she notes, "without a ring." 

That same year they spent the Christmas together and had some drinks to merry the season-her mother Teri Shields was also there. Then later that night he bade her goodbye and flew to Los Angeles to check his house. She told him to call as soon as he arrived. He never did.

"He actually proposed again," says Shields with chuckle. "But it just made the book too long and it wasn't about my mother [the focus of this book]. So I'll have to do that in my memoir." 

"He came back after the first time he left me and asked me to marry him again," explains the star. "This was before he started to do a play [Anna Christie]. And I said, 'No, no, no, because knowing you, you'll probably fall in love with your next leading lady and marry her, so I'm leaving myself out of this.' And I was dead right." The name of the leading lady was Natasha Richardson, whom Neeson married in 1994

Apparently, Brooke Shields and Natasha Richardson held no bad feelings against each other because after the play Cabaret, Natasha went backstage to see Brooke, who played Sally Bowles, Examiner reported. Brooke played the same part Natasha originated.

Brooke saw Liam again in a bar after the second proposal-and she told him how honored she was that Natasha came to see her backstage. "She's the original and she's amazing. I was just trying to be very upfront about it and straightforward," Examiner wrote.

In her book, Brookes also talks about her alcoholic mother and her friendship with Michael Jackson, Mstarz reported. She met the King of Pop when she was 13, and she says they loved each other, but nothing happened romantically.

"I would be like, 'Oh please, knock it off.' He was like this kid who would ask you [about dating and romance]. Nobody was telling him and nurturing this stuff and I think he was terrified. He was terrified and sort of juvenile. I think there was an arrested development."

Do you think Liam Neeson ever loved Brooke? Or was it only a fling? Tell us what you think. 

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