Indian Businessman Hacks to Death Younger Brother, Sister-in-Law, and Baby Nephew Sleeping in Their Home

By Jace Dela Cruz

May 25, 2024 07:33 AM EDT

An Indian businessman is accused of brutally killing his younger brother, sister-in-law, and their three-month-old baby over a personal grudge.

Indian Businessman Allegedly Kills Brother, Sister-in-Law, And Their Baby

According to The Times of India, the victims have been identified as Amardeep, his wife Madhu, and their infant son Shivam, who were all allegedly hacked to death by Amardeep's elder brother Mandeep using a pickaxe.

The incident reportedly took place on Thursday morning inside the brothers' father's home in a Sonipat village in Haryana, India. Police said Amardeep, his wife, and his son were sleeping in the courtyard of the house when Mandeep attacked and killed them.

According to their father, Dharamveer, he heard screams on the way into their home so he ran towards the house and saw Mandeep leaving on his bike. Dharamveer said Mandeep even told him that he had killed Amardeep, his wife, and his son before he fled.

It was Dharamveer who found the bloodied bodies of the three victims. According to the local police, Mandeep's bike was later found abandoned near his sister's house in Jhajjar, but his sister was not at home at that time.

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Axe Wood Chop

(Photo : Markus Spiske from Pixabay)

Alleged Motive of the Indian Businessman

According to Dharamveer, Mandeep was not happy when his younger brother solemnized inter-caste marriage three years ago despite the family's objection.

Dharamveer said the Indian businessman would often pick fights with the couple over petty issues. Mandeep's business reportedly involved renting out excavators at various projects in Bindhrauli village in Sonipat.

The Indian businessman remains at large after the triple murder. However, police said they have already formed four special teams to arrest the suspect.

READ MORE: Businessman Brutally Murdered Allegedly by 4 of His Workers Who Swung an Axe Into His Head

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