world economy

G20 Reports Risks That Could Harm Global Economy, But Avoids Mentioning Ukraine and Gaza

G20 Reports Risks That Could Harm Global Economy, But Avoids Mentioning Ukraine and Gaza

G20 finance ministers and central bankers are optimistic about a "soft landing" for the global economy but warn of geopolitical risks, avoiding specific mentions of Ukraine and Gaza in their discussions.

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Goldman Sachs Says 'The Great Disinflation' Is Under Way, Setting the Stage for 5 Eventual Fed Rate Cuts

Goldman Sachs Says 'The Great Disinflation' Is Under Way, Setting the Stage for 5 Eventual Fed Rate Cuts

The chief economist of Goldman Sachs is anticipating the end of the pandemic-era inflation soon, as the world economy has now entered a period of "The Great Disinflation."

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Goldman Sachs Says Global Economic Growth in 2024 Will Exceed Expectations

Goldman Sachs Says Global Economic Growth in 2024 Will Exceed Expectations

Goldman Sachs Research is boldly predicting that the global economy is poised to outperform expectations in 2024, demonstrating resilience in the face of recent challenges.

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Japan's GDP shrinks in the fourth quarter

The economy of Japan shrank during the fourth quarter of 2015 as a result of weak export and demand. The shrinking population also added to the economic slowdown.

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Oil price drop to $30 per barrel as Iran begin delivery to Europe

The price of the oil dropped once again to $30 per barrel after Iran delivered its first shipment to Europe. This fall is seen as a boon for some nations while it is considered as a disaster for others.

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Ford Q4 earnings beat analyst forecast

Ford Motor said its fourth-quarter earnings beat Wall Street analysts' expectations and reiterated 2016 pre-tax profit forecast to be identical to or greater than the previous year.

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Capital drains from emerging markets

Capital outflows from developing markets were higher than it was anticipated last year, according to a report by Institute of International Finance. The reason behind this oceanic change in emerging markets cash flow is China, which dragged out 676 billion US dollar.

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China's Slowdown: Hints of the Brink of a Global Disaster?

China's slowdown has caused negative effects in businesses and countries around the world that financially depend on a large chunk of business with the Asian country. China must transition into a consumer drive economy in order to grow in the future, but the steps necessary to do so are complicating their international partnerships.

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Global stocks suffer small hit after dim US Fed outlook

Global stocks went down slightly after the US Federal Reserve provided a dim US economy

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WB President says US 'days away' from a 'very dangerous moment'

If the US fails to pass legislation to increase the debt limit, then the global economic system would be tremendously affected.

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