us department of justice

Mexican Sinaloa Cartel Conspired With Chinese Banking Group to Launder $50 Million, US DOJ Says

Mexican Sinaloa Cartel Conspired With Chinese Banking Group to Launder $50 Million, US DOJ Says

The US DOJ alleged that the Mexican Sinaloa Cartel collaborated with wealthy Chinese nationals in California to launder up to $50 million from drug trafficking.

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US Returns Additional $156 Million to Malaysia From Stolen 1MDB State Fund

US Returns Additional $156 Million to Malaysia From Stolen 1MDB State Fund

The United States (US) has returned $156 million to Malaysia, which was recovered from assets seized in investigations into a global corruption scheme involving the 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) state fund.

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Tech Watchdogs Want YouTube Investigated for Unfair Competition Due to Pre-Installation Advantage

Tech watchdogs demand a DOJ probe into YouTube's unfair competitiveness, citing its pre-installation advantage in smartphones and TVs.

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FDA, DOJ Unveil New Task Force to Combat Illegal Distribution and Sale of E-Cigarettes in the US

FDA, DOJ Unveil New Task Force to Combat Illegal Distribution and Sale of E-Cigarettes in the US

The US FDA and DOJ have announced the formation of a task force to combat the illegal distribution and sale of electronic cigarettes, or e-cigarettes.

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Spotify, Epic Games, Deezer, Match Group, and Other Tech Allies Support DOJ's Antitrust Lawsuit Against Apple

A group of key app developers, which include Epic Games, Spotify, and others, known as the Coalition for App Fairness (CAF), is supporting the DOJ's antitrust lawsuit against Apple.

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Congressional Committee To Revive Apple-FBI Debate on Tuesday

A congressional committee has announced reviving testing of Apple and FBI on Tuesday. Apple’s general counsel and an FBI official will testify on behalf of respective sides. Lawmakers consider the debate centering public interest as important and summoned the disagreed parties to testify before the lawmakers.

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Microsoft Sues Government Over Peeping To Individual’s Information Abusing Decades Old Law

Microsoft has sued the US Department of Justice on Thursday for alleged secret intervention of the government agencies to individual’s information. Through searching secretly, the US government is violating the Fourth as well as First Amendment, alleges the lawsuit. Microsoft believes, this practice has gone too far and hence seeks court intervention to address the situation.

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The U.S. Justice Department Sued ValueAct for Violating Disclosure Rule

Department of Justice filed lawsuit against ValueAct Capital last week, related to Halliburton and Baker Hughes merger. Meanwhile, ValueAct on Monday claimed no wrongdoing and will defend its position.

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Halliburton Acquisition of Baker Hughes Faces a Legal Obstacle

United States Justice Department has prepared a lawsuit to block acquisition of Baker Hughes. Halliburton took over the company in November 2014.

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SunEdison Planning For Bankruptcy Filing, Negotiating With Creditors For Related Financing

Besides suffering from acute cash crunch SunEdison has been facing scrutiny from regulators over failed Vivint deal and other issues. Huge debt burden has led the renewable energy giant to consider for seeking bankruptcy protection and is holding negotiations for related financing. The news has caused slashing share prices by around 50% during after hours trading on Friday.

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Tim Cook Finally Invited For Testifying Before Congress Subcommittee

The US Department of Justice has been favored with a court order in getting technical assistance from Apple for unlocking an iPhone. Apple CEO has vowed to challenge the court order citing iPhone security. Finally HECC has come forward to end the dead lock situation with invitation to Tim Cook for discussing a possible solution mentioning no set date.

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Julius Baer to pay $547.25 million to US authorities

Julius Baer Group said it has attained the last settlement phase with the US Department of Justice. As per the terms of the deal, the Bank agreed to pay $547.25 million to evade prosecution.

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Goldman Sachs, U.S. agency in mortgage settlement worth $1.2 billion

Goldman Sachs Group Inc has agreed to a settlement worth $1.2 billion to resolve a U.S. regulator's claims the bank sold Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac faulty mortgage bonds, the regulator announced Friday.

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HP settles with DOJ for $108M over bribery and money laundering charges

Menlo Park, US-based printer giant Hewlett-Packard (HP) settled with the US Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Security and Exchange Commission for $108 million over the bribery and money laundering charges filed against it.

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US regulator wins lawsuit challenging merger of Bazaarvoice Inc and PowerReviews Inc

The US Justice Department won a case challenging the 2012 acquisition of Power Reviews Inc by rival online product review software maker Bazaarvoice Inc, Bloomberg reported.

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