Tags: Tata Steel

Tata Steel Advises Port Talbot Workers of Potential July 7 Shutdown due to Strike

Tata Steel Advises Port Talbot Workers of Potential July 7 Shutdown due to Strike

Workers at Tata Steel were told that the company could potentially cease operations at its Port Talbot plant by July 7 due to a strike organized by the trade union Unite.

Greybull Capital Acquires Tata Steel, Revives British Steel, Saves Jobs

The acquisition of Greybull Capital of Tata Steel's UK long product business will save thousands of jobs and was accepted by the steelworkers after two years of uncertainty.

Weakening steel demand in China will improve prices within 2018

The steel industry of China is expected to shrink rapidly, stopping global price fall. The steel industry across the world is fighting the problem of over production as demand weakens in China.

Tata Steel to Sell Its British Operation

Tata Steel put its British business up for sale on Tuesday as the company faces continuous loss in its British operation. Thousands of jobs is at risk.

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India's biggest producer Tata Steel is looking for a comeback with a 30% rise in share price this year, prompting an industry observer to suggest that investors sell their Tata stake now.
Tata Steel is issuing ten year Singapore dollar denominated bonds at 5.25%. A local market deal has been formalized and was launched this morning. The deal was Tata Steel's ten year Reg S Singapore dollar denominated bond at 5.
Tata Steel is planning to sell off UK assets and its Australian business to pay off debts and loans.
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