Martin Shkreli

Martin Shkreli Accused of Keeping One-Of-A-Kind Wu-Tang Clan Album Copy in New Lawsuit

Martin Shkreli Accused of Keeping One-Of-A-Kind Wu-Tang Clan Album Copy in New Lawsuit

Martin Shkreli is facing a new lawsuit. The plaintiff accuses him of keeping a copy of the one-of-a-kind Wu-Tang Clan album "Once Upon a Time in Shaolin."

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Retail price for prescription drug increased in a very fast rate since for the last decade

The retail prices for prescription drugs have increased at a faster rate from the year 2006 to 2013. In 2013, the retail price hike for prescription drugs used by older people in America was 9.4%.

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Martin Shkreli Claimed He Was Scammed over Kanye West's New Album

The center of life-saving drug price hike controversy, Martin Shkreli tried to made himself in the news again. He claimed that he was scammed for $15 million for the new album of Kanye West "Life of Pablo."

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Pharmaceutical entrepreneur Martin Shkreli to buy Kanye's new album

Martin Shkreli expressed his wish to buy Kanye West’s new album. Martin is ready to pay the rapper $10 million in exchange for sole rights to "The Life of Pablo."

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Martin Shkreli is seeking new lawyers to represent him

Martin Shkreli is looking for new lawyers to help him fight securities fraud charges. The request has been filed by his current lawyers to the Judge Kiyo Matsumoto. The lawyers also asked to delay a status conference set for Wednesday.

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Investor Sued Former Martin Shkreli's Pharmaceutical Company for $5.4 Million

Investors sue KaloBios Pharmaceuticals Inc. to return $5.4 million of their investment. The investors were brought in by Martin Shkreli. KaloBios Pharmaceuticals Inc. filed for bankruptcy in late December.

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Martin Shkreli's $5 Million Bail Was Secured With His E-Trade Account

Last December, Martin Shkreli, who was arrested for securities fraud in pharmaceutical company was released on bail. Court document shows his $5 million security bond was secured with $45 million E-Trade account.

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Daraprim price hike could affect the pharmaceutical industry

The overnight price hiked of Daraprim drug by the start-up, Turing Pharmaceutical is creating a big impact to the pharmaceutical sectors worldwide. The company which is own by a former hedge fund manager had acquired the right of the drug in August and immediately increases its price. The move is causing a backlash to pharmaceutical industry creating most of the shares down in a massive sell-off.

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