
JetBlue Airways Introduced Sky-Fi Internet Connection

The airways announced new cabin design, completed with enhanced technology system to meet travelers' needs nowadays. Besides in-flight internet connection, they also improved new entertainment system with new features and bigger database. The timing of these new improvements coincides with JetBlue's sixteenth anniversary.

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South Korea Has a Camp to Help Young People With Internet Addiction

The advancement of the internet in South Korea has brought some advantages as well as social issues. Internet addiction has been a concern in the country, and the government is helping to solve the issue with some programs, including rehabilitation camps.

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Russia is moving forward to legalization of online poker

The move to legalize online poker started six months ago and a few changes have been seen since then. The legalization is expected to stop illegal online gambling that has been going on in the country since the activity was banned, and in turn, could also increase tax revenues for Russia. The rest of terms and time measures on this remain unknown.

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Li-Fi, a wireless technology that is 100 times faster than Wi-Fi

Li-Fi, a superfast wireless technology, has been proven to be able to transmit data about 100 times faster than current Wi-Fi technology in its first real world test. An Estonian startup Vermenni revealed that it has begun trialling Li-Fi within offices and industrial environments in Tallin and found that the technology is able to send data at up to 1 GB per second.

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Apple Could Stop Selling iPhone in the UK if Government Passes Bill Banning Encryption

The UK government is trying to pass a bill that would ban strong end-to-end encryption that could force Apple to stop selling its iPhone in that country. According to Forbes, the UK government plans to pass legislation that would prohibit the use of strong encryption, which means any encryption they can't break is not allowed.

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China sees greater shift to internet-based enterprises

The rising costs of labor and infrastructure are paving the way for more opportunities being created via the internet. The online-based ventures are growing up in China and also enhancing the efficiency of the traditional enterprises as well. Mobile internet is changing the way consumer market behaves in the world's second-largest economy. Initially, the technology innovation doesn't happen in a consumer market, but it takes place in the enterprise segment. The consolidation is very slow in the traditional Chinese business when compared to the western part of the world.

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The Top 6 Advantages of having a Home-Based Business

Home-based businesses have proven to be one of the best business start-ups. With a good goal-setting attitude and strong discipline, one can easily enjoy the benefits that home-based business brings.

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New Qualcomm chip will make security cameras more intelligent

Qualcomm has created a new kind of chip, Snapdragon processor built into internet-connected security cameras. The company announced the chip along with a reference design for new home monitoring cameras, with the Qualcomm's chip at the core.

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AI startup Perceptio acquired by Apple

Apple Inc. confirmed today that its company had acquired a startup technology company call Perceptio. The detail of the acquisition is not made public as told by Apple spokesman to Bloomberg.

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Mark Zuckerberg speaks at UN: Internet access can eradicate extreme poverty

Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg recently spoke at UN and says there is more that can be done that's why he and Microsoft founder Bill Gates, along with Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales, and U2 front man Bono rallied to eradicate poverty by bringing internet access all over the world. UN has made it a goal to achieve by 2020.

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Broadband spread in SA unplugs 'video on demand' biz

The massive expansion of fiber optic broadband (FOB) in Johannesburg and other up markets in South Africa is paving the way for video on demand (VoD) services. Many companies with offers of internet video streaming services are making a beeline to explore the untapped market in the most developed economy in African continent. It's learnt that US major in streaming video services is also entering the market.

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5 Simple Tips on Streamlining Startup Business Effectively and Faster

Streamlining a startup business makes its workflow more efficient, effective, and faster. Some entrepreneurs become more of an employee to their company instead of running their company. This happens when they fail to automate and streamline their startup business.

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Protect your privacy by shutting down these Windows 10 features

Is Windows 10 spying on you? The poor privacy that this new operating system offers seems to be reinforcing that notion. Merely three weeks after Window 10's release, reports have been spreading all over the internet that this new OS is collecting too much personal information, and there seems to be no stopping it.

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Your network is equal to your net worth: Soon, Facebook can approve loans based on your friends' credit scores

Facebook patented a social network system that could advance search results, identify spam messages and sort offensive topics. It could also distinguish if a potential borrower is capable of paying debts through the user's network connections.

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The trinity of Content Marketing and why are they important in your business

Studies and experts show that contents will be the core of internet marketing in the future while accompanying strategies are also essential.

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