
US Tariffs on Chinese EVs, Green Tech to be Announced Next Week, Reports Say

US Tariffs on Chinese EVs, Green Tech to be Announced Next Week, Reports Say

White House officials said the Biden administration would impose a massive tariff increase on Chinese electric vehicles in an announcement on May 14.

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European Industries Threatened By Imports Of Cheap EVs

Renault CEO Luca de Meo urges European industrial nations to counter the threat of cheap foreign electric vehicles, highlighting Europe's passive stance in contrast to US subsidies and Chinese industrial strategies.

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Government Seeks Further Industry, Research Collaboration With AU$76 Million Fund

The Australian government boosted its funding to AU$76 million to encourage partnerships between university researchers and the industry. The fund forms part of the AU$1.1 billion National Innovation and Science Agenda.

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China Solar Power

China is currently domiating in terms of Solar Energy and in here you will find out how they manage their solar industry.

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Presentations Of Educational Training Module For Boating Industry Performs Well

The New Markets Task Force of the Recreational Boating and Leadership Council spent the year working on an educational training module for the boating industry. The module, which was presented last month, has been received well so far.

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Infosys Invests In ideaForge’s Drones

Infosys has invested an undisclosed amount to homegrown startup ideaForge from its Innovation Fund. ideaForge has been a known manufacturer of unmanned aerial vehicles in India.

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General Motors Pledges $328 Million Investment, Retains Workers

General Motors announced its plans to invest $328 million to to its Tonawanda and Lockport plants. The news came as a relief to the workers who felt reassured of their future as the company will retain hundreds of jobs on both plants.

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Oil and Gas Industry Rises

The il and gas industry had slowly rising under Trump's winning as the next President of the United States.

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Investment Industry Waits For Trump’s Stance On Fiduciary Rule

The landscape for the investment industry remains uncertain as the financial advisors and broker-dealers are yet to know the intention of the incoming administration regarding the fiduciary rule. The rule was passed earlier this year and is scheduled to take effect on April 10, 2017.

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Minister Urges Jamaicans To Invest In Beekeeping

Minister J.C. Hutchinson encouraged more Jamaicans to invest in beekeeping, citing that the industry does not require intense labor and large acreages. He also noted that the fast-growing industry offers lucrative returns of investment.

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Building Industry Addresses Labor Shortage

There is a labour shortage in the building industry.

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YouTube's $1B Royalties Still Not Enough To Make Music Industry Into Super Boom

YouTube has said it has paid the music industry $1bn (£794m) in royalties this year - but record companies have responded by claiming it is not enough.

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New Zealand’s Wine Regions Lose Millions Of Dollars

The recent earthquake that hit New Zealand badly affected the country's prime regions, resulting to the loss of millions of liters of wine and damages to storage vats. The wine industry will be facing a challenging year but the government had stepped in to assist the affected wineries.

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Swiss Banks Prolong Bitcoin Industry To Germany And Austria

Swiss banks are lending hands for Germany And Austria in the bitcoin industry.

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Interface Sets In Goals For Australian Game And Development Industry

Australian Game And Development Industry is taking its interface to another higher level.

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