global economy

G20 Reports Risks That Could Harm Global Economy, But Avoids Mentioning Ukraine and Gaza

G20 Reports Risks That Could Harm Global Economy, But Avoids Mentioning Ukraine and Gaza

G20 finance ministers and central bankers are optimistic about a "soft landing" for the global economy but warn of geopolitical risks, avoiding specific mentions of Ukraine and Gaza in their discussions.

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Wolfowitz Faces Pressure To Resign As World Bank Finds He Broke Rules

The World Bank Reveals the US Economy's Strength Will Drive Global Economy to Grow 2.6% in 2024

The World Bank forecasts 2.6% global growth, driven by US strength, although there is over "slow" growth due to conflicts and debt burdens.

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World Bank Warns Global Economy Set for Weakest Growth Since Pandemic, Hitting Poorer Nations Hardest

World Bank Warns Global Economy Set for Weakest Growth Since Pandemic, Hitting Poorer Nations Hardest

Global economic growth is expected to decelerate for the third straight year in 2024, extending poverty in many developing countries, the World Bank warned.

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Goldman Sachs Says Global Economic Growth in 2024 Will Exceed Expectations

Goldman Sachs Says Global Economic Growth in 2024 Will Exceed Expectations

Goldman Sachs Research is boldly predicting that the global economy is poised to outperform expectations in 2024, demonstrating resilience in the face of recent challenges.

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African economy shows no sign of recovery in 2016

The sub-Saharan African economy could face a serious decline in 2016, far behind the rest of the economies in the world.

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Asset Manager BlackRock modernizes trading strategies

Investment firm BlackRock has modernized its trading policies with the help of twenty tech skilled members' team. The company is shifting to electronic trading to overcome market challenges.

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Gold prices fall amid the rise in dollar

On Tuesday, the precious metal gold glided owing mainly to the increase in a dollar. In addition, the positive US data, which fuelled the speculation on Fed interest rate hike, drove the global share market to a new height.

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Marathon Oil plans to sell shares through public offering

Marathon Oil announced its intention to sell 135 million of common shares through a public offering. The ongoing slump in the global oil industry has led many oil firms to undertake the cost-cutting strategy to keep hold of their cash level.

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UK's Finance Minister pushes G20 against Brexit

UK's Finance Minister George Osborne may take leverage of Group of 20 to support Britain to stay with the European Union (EU). G20 meeting is being held on 26-27 February in Shanghai. Brexit may be a major outcome at the G20 finance ministers meeting.

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Shivshahi Punarvasan Prakalp Ltd to offer monetary assistance for Indian construction sector

The gloomy atmosphere prevailing in the construction sector of India has led the government to take monetary steps to aid the ailing sector. Shivshahi Punarvasan Prakalp will provide monetary assistance for the construction activities in India.

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Canada Finance Minister, Bill Morneau, to Disclose Liberal's First Budget

The finance minister of Canada, Bill Morneau, is expected to disclose the principal terms of Liberal's first budget on Monday. Morneau's revised budget figures will highlight the problems facing Canada's economy.

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BHP Billiton chases oil more closely than iron ore

Shares of BHP Billiton, a mining and petroleum firm in Melbourne, started chasing oil prices very closely as they entered into the horrible downturn period in the oil industry. Analysts expect the miner to rally by nearly 50% in the coming months.

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Chancellor George Osborne misses approval rating as faith in UK economy slides

Britain is losing its faith in the chancellor George Osborne as he is readying for the annual budget in the midst of global challenges facing the nation's economy. Poor economic conditions prevented the chancellor from achieving his election targets.

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IMF Slashes Global Forecast Due to China Economy Slowdown

The decreasing of China’s economic growth to the lowest rate in the last of 25 years has influenced the world’s economy. It made the International Monetary Fund slashed its global growth forecast for the third time in less than a year.

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Business experts doubtful regarding future profits and sales

Business economists seem to be more doubtful regarding their companies' future profits and sales. According to a survey, these economists expect slower GDP growth.

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