
Russia waits in wings as Greek debt crisis deepens

Russian President Vladimir Putin must be finding it hard to contain a wry smile as the European Union struggles with Greece's debt problems.

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China-backed multilateral bank to take concrete shape this week

One of China's biggest ever foreign policy successes will take concrete shape on Monday when delegates from 57 countries sign an agreement on the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) in Beijing.

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Greece considering capital controls, closing banks on Monday

Greece said it may impose capital controls and keep its banks shut on Monday after creditors refused to extend the country's bailout and savers queued to withdraw cash, taking Athens' standoff with the European Union and the International Monetary Fund to a dangerous new level.

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Resistance to Greek drama hints at euro's strength

As the big global banks and investment houses see it, almost every outcome of Greece's stand-off with its creditors leads to a weaker euro. So why isn't the single currency falling?

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U.S. to press China on currency, eye on AIIB: official

U.S. officials will press their Chinese counterparts on currency policy at high-level talks next week, and have not taken off the table the possibility that the United States may one day join a China-led infrastructure bank, a senior U.S. Treasury official said.

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Tsipras seeks debt relief as Greeks take offer to Brussels

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said he was willing to accept unpalatable compromises to secure a deal with international creditors provided he gets debt relief in return, something that Germany refuses to countenance.

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Merkel urges Germans to put aside fear of big data

Germans need to overcome their traditional fear of the large-scale collection of personal data by companies and instead embrace its opportunities or risk being marginalized in the global economy, Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Tuesday.

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Vodafone in talks with Liberty Global on "asset" swap, not merger

Vodafone, the world's second-biggest mobile telecoms company, said on Friday it was in talks with Europe's largest cable operator, Liberty Global, about an exchange of "selected assets" but was not discussing a full-blown merger.

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Greek uncertainty hits Europe shares, inflation lifts euro

European shares dipped on Tuesday while German bond yields rose, with investors scrabbling for clarity over whether a high-level meeting on Greece's debt crisis might herald a significant breakthrough.

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Dollar momentum wanes, China stocks take heavy tumble

The dollar took a breather on Thursday after hitting its highest level against the yen since 2002, and stocks stuttered as high-flying Chinese shares tumbled and European officials downplayed talk of an imminent deal to keep Greece afloat.

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Amazon's Europe changes to boost tax bill, add secrecy

Amazon’s decision to change its tax-efficient European business structure could raise its tax bill by as much as $100 million a year but authorities will have to fight for additional money and any payments will be hidden from public view.

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Amazon pays $16 million tax in Germany, while making $11.9 billion sales

Internet retailer Inc.'s (AMZN.O) main German operating unit paid just 11.9 million euros ($16 million) in tax in 2014, despite the group recording $11.9 billion in sales to German customers last year, regulatory filings show.

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Europe stocks stumble, dollar lifted by U.S rate view

European shares fell in thin trade on Monday while the dollar powered ahead after U.S. Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen indicated that the central bank was poised to raise interest rates this year.

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G7 finance ministers to address faltering global growth

Finance ministers from the world's largest developed economies meet in Germany this week against a backdrop of faltering global growth, scant inflationary pressures and a bond market in turmoil.

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Dollar declines, gold up after soft U.S. data

The dollar index hit its lowest in more than three months while gold prices jumped on Wednesday as weaker-than-expected U.S. retail sales bolstered confidence the Federal Reserve will hold off raising rates soon.

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