General Motors

GM denies problems with SAIC Motor Corp partnership

General Motors Co said there were no problems with its partnership with Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp.

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Peugeot choosing between GM and Dongfeng

Peugeot weighing options between a cost cutting partnership with GM or an expansion push with Dongfeng.

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GM Nova Scotia's noteholders hit the jackpot

The noteholders of GM Nova Scotia used a local law loophole to allow its earnings to double from the bankruptcy proceedings.

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General Motors issues bond for payouts

General Motors newly issued unsecured bonds were offered to the market and was lauded as preparatory for the return to investment grade status.

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Moody's upgrades GM debt

GM debt had been upgraded by Moody's Investment Service to investment grade from junk status.

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GM announces planned share buyback of some UAW preferred shares

General Motors Co said it would undertaking a share buyback of some of its preferred shares held by a United Auto Workers healthcare trust.

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Fiat buys out GM in VM Motori

Fiat buys out GM to become sole owner of diesel engine manufacturer VM Motori.

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GM and union agree to terms in Canada plant

The Unifor union and GM Co. was able to meet and agree on the new collective bargain agreement.

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Canada sells portion of its GM stake

The Canadian government announced last Tuesday that it would sell 30 million General Motors common shares.

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PSA Unions Speaks Concern for GM tie-up

Peugeot unions voiced concerns in the proposed deeper tie-up plans for the company and General Motors.

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GM Expands Operations in Mexico

GM set to expand its operations in Mexico.

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GM Invests US$7.3 Billion More in South Korea

GM expands interests in South Korea.

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Peugeot, GM Joint Programs to use French co's Technology

General Motors and alliance partner PSA Peugeot Citroen will build all three planned joint vehicle programs

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Deals of the day -- mergers and acquisitions

Bids, mergers, acquisitions and disposals involving European, U.S. and Asian companies.

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