
Hundreds of alleged Dropbox passwords leaked

Hundreds of alleged usernames and passwords for online document-sharing site Dropbox were published on Monday on Pastebin, an anonymous information-sharing website.

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Venezuelans turn to bitcoins to bypass socialist currency controls

Tech-savvy Venezuelans looking to bypass dysfunctional economic controls are turning to the bitcoin virtual currency to obtain dollars, make Internet purchases -- and launch a little subversion.

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Bitcoin promoter pleads guilty to unlicensed use of currency

A man who helped to promote bitcoin wants to remain in the business despite pleading guilty Thursday to indirectly helping send more than $1 million in the digital currency to users of the illicit online marketplace Silk Road, his lawyer said.

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Bitcoin shows staying power as online merchants chase digital sparkle

Bitcoin is catching on at U.S. online merchants including and Expedia, as customers use a digital currency that just a few years ago was virtually unknown but is now showing some staying power.

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Mt Gox traders agree to settle class actions against bankrupt Bitcoin exchange

American and Canadian Bitcoin traders and investors have agreed to settle the class-action lawsuits they have filed against the bankrupt Tokyo, Japan-based Bitcoin exchange Mt Gox in return for a 16.5% stake in the firm.

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Bitcoin price drops after China imposes new restrictions

BTC China has halted deposits of local currency from the China Merchants Bank, causing the value of Bitcoin to fall from $500 to below $440, a 10% difference from its value in the past few days.

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Mt Gox to go for liquidation instead of bankruptcy

Tokyo, Japan-based Bitcoin exchange Mt Gox will file for liquidation in Tokyo instead of its initial plan of rebuilding the firm under bankruptcy protection after a bug reportedly brought the site down.

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BTC China releases Picasso ATM web app

Shanghai, China-based bitcoin exchange BTC China released a new web app called the Picasso ATM to help Bitcoin users exchange the virtual currency even without a physical ATM.

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Bitcoin Remains Small in Comparison to Payment Processors and Currencies - Fitch

Despite significant increases in its use as a payment system and attention in the marketplace, Bitcoin is small relative to both traditional payment processors and global currencies, according to a Fitch Ratings Why Forum commentary published today.

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Bitcoin derivatives platform BTC gets funding from Seedcoin

Bitcoin derivatives trading platform has secured funding from Seedcoin Fund, Chief Operating Officer George Samman told Reuters on Tuesday.

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Boston's Circle Internet Financial closes $17M in Series B round to facilitate easier and safer Bitcoin transactions

Boston, US-based digital currency firm Circle Internet Financial closed a $17-million Series B round from Oak Investment Partners and other investors to help consumers conduct easier and safer Bitcoin transactions.

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Developers modify Bitcoin software to resolve transaction flaws

Developers have modified the open source Bitcoin software and released a new version to resolve the transaction flaws and to prevent a Mt Gox-like incident from happening again.

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Facebook Security Director Ryan McGeehan to transfer to US Bitcoin startup Coinbase

Facebook Secutiry Director Ryan McGeehan annouced that he is leaving in early April to take a security-related position at San Francisco, US-based Bitcoin startup Coinbase.

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Investors continue to support Bitcoin despite Mt. Gox failure and losses

The recent drawbacks faced by Bitcoin has not deterred investors from continuing to support and make investments in ventures related to the crypto-currency, TechCrunch reported.

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Dorian Nakamoto officially denies he created Bitcoin

In contrast to a previous report by Newsweek, Dorian Satoshi Nakamoto issued an official statement denying any alleged ties he has with Bitcoin including allegations that he created Bitcoin.

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